Bring back Quarry.

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IF this map were to be brought back, it would need some work to prevent all to easy llama grabs, and make it somewhat more difficult to snipe.


You have to use all your jets to go up at the base from the ground if you were Lo trying to grab the flag lol Might aswell just OD up there. Someone could just shoot you down while your trying so hard to get to the top! I personally had lagging issues, too dark and maybe add some snow or something.

Nice Designs and Base Structure you can play Hide and Seek! (Very Fun Tried it in the old days)
Go Snipe somewhere in the mountains!! Super Fast Routes as you Slide down the huge Mountains weeeeeeee!
Overall I think we should return it for some fun instead of using it in Pugs :)


You can play around with the middle, sides and the high map edges as much as you like, but the darkness, the badass bases and the far-behind spawn are what made Quarry the map it was.

Shut it, you don't even play. ^_^
i will


I agree with Propkid.
Quarry was one of my favorite maps, and one of the main reasons of that being because of it's darkness.
I say bring it back.
and @stefygraff , if it was brought back with snow and light then there would be no point in bringing it back at all, in my opinion.


I agree with Propkid.
Quarry was one of my favorite maps, and one of the main reasons of that being because of it's darkness.
I say bring it back.
and @stefygraff , if it was brought back with snow and light then there would be no point in bringing it back at all, in my opinion.

elegiac had darkness, until it got ruined -.- (although it was much harder to cap in the dark)


Lol true anyways since its one of the biggest maps i'm sure it would be super laggy, maybe it's for the better that they keep it out of the rotation and focus on new maps
My opinion is bring it back, but don't put it in the standard map rotation. Once map voting comes, if enough ppl so desire, they could play it.
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