with some help from my friend tony the brains i think you guys may want to look at this
Let's see here....
The first one:
in binary, pg#258
The second one:
x is A death mask mounted in an apartment hallway sends its new tenant into a state of paranoia
From research, it's from the movie Hex which came out in 2009. Could possibly be a clue to the
next one, saying that it's hexadecimal? x=hex
However, the misspelled words go in sets of two... 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 17 except for 15
and 17...
Third one:
x = 03 135 152 117 ___ (other people suggested 93)
x= hex so x = QR or x = QRy
Could be a .qry file? (QUERY)
In SQL, a query is the name of its commands, which it uses on the database. It perfroms an
operation dealing with data... Such as selecting, changing, or creating new objects in the
If we fill in the numbers of the words from the quote, we get this:
Death into in state A paranoia... or Death into in state sends apartment
Maybe A XAMask XMaskIs XXIn
Maybe A new mask into is x state
Maybe a new mask into is sends in
Maybe A x a mask a mask is x x in
Maybe it's decimal into hex. So that means x is going to be hex, so you're supposed to convert
it to hex.
03 87 98 75
Fourth one:
I'd know that guy from anywhere, that's Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist... Known for his
discovery of the "Conditioned Reflex," which is a learned reflex, as opposed to an instinctive
one. He discovered that you could train mammals to respond in a certain way to a particular
stimulus... For example, he did an experiment that before he would feed the dogs, he would
ring a bell. Therefore, the dogs linked the bell with food and would begin to salivate. He
won the Nobel prize in 1904, but not for reflexes; for his studies in figuring out how the
digestive system worked.
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
Fifth one:
Hmmm... Not quite sure...
pg#258 query Pavlov... Maybe there's a database somewhere where you go to 258 and change it to
On the 258th line in the Wikipedia source for Pavlov it leads to the Copley Medal, which he won
in 1915 "On the ground of his investigations in the physiology of digestion and of the higher
centres of the nervous system"
Sixth one:
y=x+1 is a graph... but we could fill in the x (although I don't think that's right...)
y=hex+1 y=QRy+1
Seventh one:
To know y you must ask. What is y? Y is x + 1. What is x? x is hex, x = 03 135 152 117 or x = 03 87 98 75
See More
Tony-Maybe the numbers make the number of the book?
Tony- I'm thinking Dewey Decimal system...
Tony-003 Systems, 135 Dreams and mysteries, 152 Perception, movement, emotions, and drives, 117 Structure...
003 Systems, 087 Collections in Slavic languages, 098 Prohibited works, forgeries & hoaxes, 075 Newspapers in Italy & adjacent islands
credit goes to my good friend tonyXD will anybody tell me if this is right or wrong?!?!