You know what I don't like?

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shaska's bff
i hate people! who use punctuation incorrectly. to make their otherwise, poorly expressed thoughts, stand out.



World Leader of The 21st Century
I hate it when people try to argue with me when they are blatantly wrong and I know I'm right and when people lie to me even know I know the truth. I go /rage


Governments, and anything/anyone else that wants to control people, tell them what to do and what to believe in.
Blatant control with no thought on the person being controlled is bad. But otherwise it is needed. Bad government is bad but good government is possible.

There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.
Are those synonymous?

I can't really say I believe that someone is actually chemically dumbing us down, I believe that it is today's consumer society/culture. People aren't thinking because they are just looking for some pleasure. I find trouble believing some actual chemical "warfare" (so to speak) is going on. But it does make sense, if people are dumb sheep they are easier to make money off of, and in today's capitalist society money is everything.


New Member
I dislike Gang's and Fighting. For someone to be controlled by there Peer's telling them to shoot this Person even if its an 8 year old boy on the corner. People Fighting just brings anger and frustration out on there opponent but everyone loves to see a fight cause its amusing to see someone hurt...


King of all Goblins
Something pissed me off to day. It's a religious thing so spare me the hate. A user on a gaming forum named himself Allahrules2......
There are two possible reasons for way this pisses me off
Number one: this user apparently needs to rub his religion in everyone's face, constantly....
Number Two: this user decided to live a religious life only very recently, but gets pissed off if others decide to stop living that way.....

Both of these very bad things for me personally and in accordance to common sense and courtesy.
If you want too know why it's not ok start thinking. Don't bother asking me, I am not going to explain.

And by the way, integration is not a bad thing.


Something pissed me off to day. It's a religious thing so spare me the hate. A Muslim family named there Muslim daughter Natasha......
There are two possible reasons for way this pisses me off
Number one: this people apparently immigrated to England so they possibly named her a Non-Muslim name to make her fit in....
Number Two: once again because of their immigration they decided to leave their religion back home.....

Both of these very bad things for me personally and in accordance to Islamic jurisdiction.
If you want too know why it's not ok Islamically ask or else I am not going to explain.
But Natasha is a Muslim name...
Why should the way other people practice religion piss you off? That's a little silly.
"It pisses me off that people eat pasta differently than I do. What noobs."

What do I not like? Tbqh it's religion, but I'm not going to start a discussion. I'll leave that to Nept


yeah def. avoid the tall grass...not cause wild nepts are scary, but the ignorance is....very very lol!


Old man
I never think things through properly thank you.

Yeah, people get really touchy when it's about politics and religions. I've noticed that you can't talk about either of those with someone who thinks different then you so I don't do it.
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