Rabbit on Public Test

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Legions Developer
Yea it seems there needs to be a general scoring revamp. I think one of the things we're leaning towards is scaling the speed at which the rabbit gets points by the number of players in the server (the higher the number, the quicker the point gain since you will survive less). We're also talking about the points for rabbit kills.


Warrior of Linux
Yea it seems there needs to be a general scoring revamp. I think one of the things we're leaning towards is scaling the speed at which the rabbit gets points by the number of players in the server (the higher the number, the quicker the point gain since you will survive less). We're also talking about the points for rabbit kills.

Great stuff!


I really don't understand the problem with the spawns the best spawn I've seen is when they spawn right behind the enemy flag on the smallest of hills, where they literally need to RJ t if they stand a chase of getting away. If it is an issue, everyone should just spawn at the base, the one opposing the enemy flag or
^ Put the flag in the centre of the map with players all at an equal distance from the flag. Maybe avoid the flag being able to shoot whilst on the floor when the fame mode start which could possible result in an endless battle for a flag if it was able to be shot around because no one would be able to pick up velocity or they'd have to get a lucky pickup.

I also don't think nade-jumping should be allowed, people may get into the mindset of "Oh, I have the flag, nade-jump" when playing CTF - a game where you cannot nade-jump avec le flag. I honestly believe if you can't ski, don't bother with this gamemode then. If you're worried about people having an advantage over spawning, it is YOUR job to CHASE the rabbit, not QQ about how he got a little headstart which can easily be solved with a Nade/Rocket on the flag stand.

I also think that you should be allowed to throw the flag. I don't see a problem with why you shouldn't, maybe it's because you think people will just always run to the edge of the map near a big hill, heal up, and fly down. But it'd add more of a sense that you really should be right on his ass, if you let the Rabbit actually have time to heal up then it's your fault as a bad chaser. But maybe if they heal up they have to wait a minute or something before they can continue to add points to their score, just as a little way to "balance" it to those people who love to cry about every little thing they find unfair.


Warrior of Linux
I also think that you should be allowed to throw the flag. I don't see a problem with why you shouldn't, maybe it's because you think people will just always run to the edge of the map near a big hill, heal up, and fly down. But it'd add more of a sense that you really should be right on his ass, if you let the Rabbit actually have time to heal up then it's your fault as a bad chaser. But maybe if they heal up they have to wait a minute or something before they can continue to add points to their score, just as a little way to "balance" it to those people who love to cry about every little thing they find unfair.

I dunno, throwing the flag could cause possible griefing, i.e. 2-3 players working as a team to hold the flag between them by throwing the flag. That sort of thing should be left for team rabbit. The rest of the post I completely agree with though.


test bester
I also think that you should be allowed to throw the flag. I don't see a problem with why you shouldn't, maybe it's because you think people will just always run to the edge of the map near a big hill, heal up, and fly down. But it'd add more of a sense that you really should be right on his ass, if you let the Rabbit actually have time to heal up then it's your fault as a bad chaser. But maybe if they heal up they have to wait a minute or something before they can continue to add points to their score, just as a little way to "balance" it to those people who love to cry about every little thing they find unfair.
Just no. Also if someone would do that I would immediately respawn and finish him off.


New Member
I found a bug... I used suicide while the game was starting and this is what happened to my characterbug2.GIF
I couldn't use chat for some odd reason... also the curser never changed... even when a swaped weapons
afterward I respawned a couple of times... then everyone was frozen... even in mid air
by this time I was confused... I tried to fire... nothing happened... I tried to respawn I couldn't so naturally I decided to go to
the edge of the map
so I was very confused and tried overdrive and flew all the way around the map... not even a scratch after plummeting into the
soo I am trying to fall off the edge of the map perhaps?
sooo now I am falling into infinity
I tried respawn in the game menu to
join beta nothing
I just reconed and everything is fine- what happened?
server crash?


Test Lead
There's no reason to throw the flag in a game of rabbit(team rabbit on the other hand...). It's simple: hold on to the flag as long as you can.

I say leave it out.


New Member
I know some memory scanners are capable of health but not freezing every single person
p.s no the game did not look like that... that is how it looked when i changed it to GIF lol


test bester
I think you just lagged out or something, or it might have been the server. Should move this on to bug reports perhaps with your console log.


New Member
meh... then the rabbit could just be cornered and would not be able to go anywhere... hmmm perhaps the rabbit could have like sevral special items:
1) a shield that he could use at anytime [probably depleted in 1 useage]
2) a specail grenade that that could kinda have a force fieldish look to it that wouldn't be thrown (that would be too cheap seeing people are in clusters while chasing him- or that could be the point) I think it would be best to be set around him... perhaps this item could be both a shield and a weapon
3) an emergancyboost pack... sends the rabbit flying into the air in need of a quick escape route... perhaps use overdrive effects to go straight up
the point of this would allow the rabbit to actually have time to evaultate his situation

could also have it so the weapons are modified for the rabbit...

perhaps when the rabbit grabs the flag its like data is uploaded into the suit of armor (or robot... really dont know what it is lol) then it has like cool effects that go about... I imagine it like blue glowy (like those on a computer chip) quickly moving from the hand of the flag throughout the rest of the players character... then perhaps a bright white explosion that give the character a huge boost into the air... and the chase begins

also I personally feel like the flag is somewhat hard to find... like perhaps it should be changed to glow very brightly so we can see it easily... just illuminating the stuff around it not like what I mentioned above ^

also it would be somewhat more conveanant if the rabbits health was increased a little

I also would like to make a few maps for rabbit mode... however I never got an email back saying weather or not I made the devolopement team
so I honestly dont know if I can or not...

is there anyway I can figure that out?
pah probably didnt make it seeing that I never got a reply :)


Legions Developer
Hey Kiwi,

Can you PM me your email address? There was a period of time where I was super busy and wasn't able to respond to a few emails. I thought I revisited them all but it sounds like I missed yours.


New Member
it is done

no clue what is going on:

oh that looks kinda cool... if you zoomed in a bit it would kinda look like a zen painting
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