Please fix the IFF's


With all the complaints about the sniper, I see one obvious fix that would help immensely. Fix the fact that we can see every player anywhere on the map. Of course I don't know if you have more important things to be working on, but this seems like a really important flaw in the game currently.

Commence arguing...


Private Tester
Dead was just drumming on Mabe's forehead last night about this. They know it's an issue, and they know they need to address it; it's on the list. =)


King of all Goblins
And keep in mind that the current system is a placeholder (as I've already stated somewhere else). One thing after the other. Don't forget that you're in a beta here. A beta with a small number of unpaid devs.


Private Tester
Dead was just drumming on Mabe's forehead last night about this. They know it's an issue, and they know they need to address it; it's on the list. =)

I think the general goal of this post is hopes that maybe, just maybe it'll get moved up the list a tad. Personally I think (other than servers), it's the most important fix that could be made.

Either way, +1 to bumping it up a place or two on the to-do list.


Just wanted to bump this to point out its importance.

The IFFs issue is really breaking good capping. Front OD spam anyone?


Well, don't kid yourself if the IFF goes back to how it was llama grabs will become more effective because of the stealth aspect, however I don't think the IFF should be the thing to prevent/make up for llamas anyway.

Can't wait for this change, as it is D is very over powered because of it.


Legions Developer
It is being worked on currently and we are very close. It was quite a large undertaking by the way, not a simple fix.


Ya Blitz, D is getting way over powered in Legions. Funny.

well it's either that or my 10 fps 150 ping is making me Feel like it is. It just seems to me that when a sniper, or Hof can see routes started, follow the entire route and prepare for a capper without ever seeing him strikes me as retarded op.


Private Tester
well it's either that or my 10 fps 150 ping is making me Feel like it is. It just seems to me that when a sniper, or Hof can see routes started, follow the entire route and prepare for a capper without ever seeing him strikes me as retarded op.

i'd agree, kinda takes some of the fun out of capping.


Warrior of Linux
Yeah, I have a great back route on nivosus, but can't use it cause the D just sees you all the way while your doing the cap. Unfair I say :(


I love this thread. Immensely. Get rid of infinite IFFs, up the jet trails so they're actually visible, and suddenly theres an advantage to stealth (read: not using jets everywhere).


well it's either that or my 10 fps 150 ping is making me Feel like it is. It just seems to me that when a sniper, or Hof can see routes started, follow the entire route and prepare for a capper without ever seeing him strikes me as retarded op.

I'd hope that most people who have played the game as long as you would realise that the issues with the sniper and sentinel aren't representative for the rest of defence.