New hand grenades, the Skybolt and more

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Yeah, the higher rate of fire kind of nulls the lesser damage it gives to become something that could probably put out more damage with the right aim, which isn't difficult. Also consider the fact 3 lights/mediums with average MA skill could kill a sent pretty quickly using the bolt, or even 2 for that matter. Add the fact that it has 45 freakin shots and you'll pretty much rarely need to reload once you've mastered the thing. Sure, a sent with 3 good shots can kill any med/light armor, but more often than not he can't focus on dueling all the time, while he gets MA'd every other jiggle. Yes, it's OP even if only to an extent.

Such noob-friendly weapons will only turn this into a suck-fest.

On the other hand, I am willing to accept it...if I can getz my mortar. For all that is green and good in this world, the Green Death calls to me.


Could we have some more animation when the Bolt hits something? It's quite hard to tell if you MA'd or not.
Yea that's a true point, I only notice if I MA'd because it comes up on the eventfeed thing on the chat. But, it's a weapon with a small blast radius, a bigger impact explosion wouldn't make sense if it has a small blast radius, and it's also a Bolt so you would really move much in air if you're hit buy it, but when they add sounds you should be able to notice or as you continue to use it it'll grow on you when you've MA'd


New Member many times must the god damn sniper rifle be nerfed before you're all satisfied. just remove it completely if you dont want get sniped when capping, which is basically what this update tried to prevent.


Member many times must the god damn sniper rifle be nerfed before you're all satisfied. just remove it completely if you dont want get sniped when capping, which is basically what this update tried to prevent.
Have you even read the blog? You can still snipe the cappers, you have a faster reload time, the minimum damage has been increased and the maximum damage has lowered, imo that's hardly damaging the Sniper.


New Member
Have you even read the blog? You can still snipe the cappers, you have a faster reload time, the minimum damage has been increased and the maximum damage has lowered, imo that's hardly damaging the Sniper.

have you even played sniper before? 'faster reload time'?

Also what is this plasma rifle everyone keeps talking about? What sort of weapon will it be like? Is it gonna be similar to laser rifle or is it gonna be something like the plasma gun in quake?


King of all Goblins
[...] Also what is this plasma rifle everyone keeps talking about? What sort of weapon will it be like? Is it gonna be similar to laser rifle or is it gonna be something like the plasma gun in quake?
According to what was publically said so far (and given the two option you've just mentioned), more like the latter.


New Member
The old sniper rifle did not need to be a good chasing weapon. If you're decent with it you can down many cappers without even leaving base due to the reload time.(whereas good cappers with high speeds, as in well over 100, could evade LR most of the time or escape so fast LR quickly becomes obsolete. so it wasn't really overpowered) It was really the only powerful defensive weapon. you say it's now better for chasing but since the overall damage has been reduced anyway is it really that much more effective than before (unless someone can prove it using a damage against distance graph)? Also it's not like we actually lack chasing weapons so why was there need to change LR into one? The most logical and obvious conclusion which I immediately saw out of this update is that people were getting sick of getting 2 shot while capping and the devs caved in. (when the sniper rifle got nerfed to laser rifle it was pretty much for the same reason, except there was osniping as well).

Either way the LR is being made continuously more difficult to use and subsequently unpopular and obsolete. In the fallen empire days it was overpowered and very versatile but not too overpowered. The old LR we had was very difficult to duel/fight with but it had good defensive capabilities and it didn't take too long to adapt to that. Still its popularity noticeably decreased and in 16 player games there's usually only 2 people that regularly use LR including myself. Now it has been reduced to a long range chasing weapon and LR is probably the most difficult of all weapons to chase with. This, along with recent updates like hand grenades, ie the potential for frag combos, buff to clusters and skybolt basically hammered the last nail into LR's coffin.


are you guys going to create a replacement for the LR Spec like you did the RL spec? just curious.



New Member
are you guys going to create a replacement for the LR Spec like you did the RL spec? just curious.


Shut up if you don't have anything constructive to say, if there's one thing the laser rifle didn't change it's its aim. It has definitely been nerfed as a defensive weapon like I explained, which was undoubtably its most important role. And no, there won't be a replacement for LR specialist, I wont be ranting itherwise. Also L2 read as I asked the same question a few posts earlier.


Warrior of Linux
The old sniper rifle did not need to be a good chasing weapon. If you're decent with it you can down many cappers without even leaving base due to the reload time.(whereas good cappers with high speeds, as in well over 100, could evade LR most of the time or escape so fast LR quickly becomes obsolete. so it wasn't really overpowered) It was really the only powerful defensive weapon. you say it's now better for chasing but since the overall damage has been reduced anyway is it really that much more effective than before (unless someone can prove it using a damage against distance graph)? Also it's not like we actually lack chasing weapons so why was there need to change LR into one? The most logical and obvious conclusion which I immediately saw out of this update is that people were getting sick of getting 2 shot while capping and the devs caved in. (when the sniper rifle got nerfed to laser rifle it was pretty much for the same reason, except there was osniping as well).

Either way the LR is being made continuously more difficult to use and subsequently unpopular and obsolete. In the fallen empire days it was overpowered and very versatile but not too overpowered. The old LR we had was very difficult to duel/fight with but it had good defensive capabilities and it didn't take too long to adapt to that. Still its popularity noticeably decreased and in 16 player games there's usually only 2 people that regularly use LR including myself. Now it has been reduced to a long range chasing weapon and LR is probably the most difficult of all weapons to chase with. This, along with recent updates like hand grenades, ie the potential for frag combos, buff to clusters and skybolt basically hammered the last nail into LR's coffin.

While your posts raise valid concerns, I fear that you are 'overreacting' to many of the changes. While I also believe the sniper rifle is a difficult weapon to use when chasing, I believe that it can be trained which is what I'm doing now with the new Hornet loadout. The overall damage of the weapon has been decreased to the mark 1 version, while the minimum damage of the weapon has been raised to the mark 2 version, this is win win in my situtation.

Despite what you may think, the old sniper was overpowered and caused many problems like osniping (Nowadays I'm more concerned about Bolt spam than the laser rifle.) You can currently only 2 shot the outrider, but you were able to do that before, just more people have switched to outrider. The reload time is in between the mark 1 and mark 1 version, which is also good. I assure you, the people who continue to snipe and train with the rifle will be able to access a very specialist skill set which can included chasing, which can and will prove devastating on larger maps.

Sorry if I didn't answer all your points, but I'm tried of talking about this subject.

Ninja Edit:

I'm curious why the sniper was removed from the raider loadout.
Following the tribes method of only having the laser rifle on light loadouts.


i just did perfectly fine on stay-at-home with the frag grenade, chain and sniper rifle. it's not good at, nor was it made for, close combat, unless your enemy is extremely close and you have enough energy.

you asked a completely different question.
are you guys going to create a replacement for the LR Spec like you did the RL spec?
is the new sniper rifle the replacement for the old standard LR or the specialist LR?
my question asked if there would be a new weapon that would take the place of the LRII. your question asked if the new sniper rifle was the new sniper rifle or the new LR II.
would you like a more in-depth explanation?


New Member
Of course it can be trained, but it won't be easy, especially for people like me who can only plays once a week for a couple of hours(my own laptop can't run legions >.<). I guess im just getting tired if continuously having to adapt in order to use a weapon i love. The new hornet is definitely far better than the old one for chasing. You raised a very good point about more people switching to outrider which lessens the effect of the damage reduction. although that might be because of the new weapon craze.

i just did perfectly fine on stay-at-home with the frag grenade, chain and sniper rifle. it's not good at, nor was it made for, close combat, unless your enemy is extremely close and you have enough energy.

you asked a completely different question.

my question asked if there would be a new weapon that would take the place of the LRII. your question asked if the new sniper rifle was the new sniper rifle or the new LR II.
would you like a more in-depth explanation?

The answer to my question answers yours? Stop clutching at straws.


there is no argument here. why would i be clutching at straws? the answer to your question does not answer mine. the LRII was removed completely, it is entirely possible that a replacement is in the works.


New Member
Then it's all a matter of whether the current LR is a temporary substitution for the LR specialist or a permanent one. I was under the impression that this is going to be permanent, since on the update page they said both weapons were 'hybridized' Into what we currently have, I merely asked here to double check this. It's not entirely possible that a new LRII is in the works, it's extremely unlikely from the information we've been given. the two questions are not 'completely different' at all, they're extremely similar with perhaps one small difference in detail. I dont need someone whose logic goes along the lines of 'if you're complaining it must mean you can't aim' to get all picky on me over some wording.

Also when did I say LR is meant to be used up close?

It doesn't.

Funny you should be the one saying this, since you gave no indication whatsoever of even the possibility that the current LR is merely a temporary replacement for the LRII. You felt no need to elaborate your answer in the slightest and now you go all nitty picky on me?
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