Dota 2


From vg:
Anonymous 05/18/12(Fri)12:43 No.5806850
buy wards, ult when you're in the middle of the enemy team. E their carries. Q runners. CONGRATULATIONS YOU CAN NOW PLAY TIDEHUNTER
To bring back the discussion of tidehunter being more skill taking than carries and shizzles.


An aura that affects heroes only and helps in no way in pushing. 4 armour to your heroes and 4hp regen= push?? Really? Pushing comes from summons that can tank tower damage, fast clearing creep waves or from tower damaging skills. Necro Book is pushy, DK at lvl 1 ulti is pushy, Veno and SS you know of. Treants aura = zero pushing.

And the tide comment is directed at app :p


test bester
I never said tidehunter is hard to play. You must be a tard if you dont know how to play him. There is a difference of knowing how to play him and playing him well as is withe every hero.


I just had a game which ended in both teams spanking each other's ancients and seeing who destroys it first o.0
Luckily I picked lancer. I've never done such a weird style of carrying- 3 kills only but a lot of pushing.


test bester
Well instead of PA they released ogre magi, unfortunately.

Some concept art of nerubian assasin:



yup. who the *dance* decided it was a good idea to put playing cards in a video game that doesnt use cards?