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  1. Lin

    That GL...

    The new GL update is proving pretty controversial, so I thought I'd just post up my opinion on where it should go before the next change: The GL should become a med/long ranged splash based weapon that is less effective at close ranged ground pound/mas but rewards accuracy over distance. -Make...
  2. Lin

    Getting rid of pixelization

    I've played around a bit with modding and skinning, but I keep running into a pixelated look when It loads up in game. Can anybody help me out with this?
  3. Lin

    Download [RELEASE]- CgX, A Chaingun Package

    Tired of using that drab old chaingun? Grey gets you down? Orange shots just not exciting you any more? Have a go at CgX, a green and black skin for the chaingun, with fully recolored effects. Flash and shots have both been brightened a tiny bit (boldens the color, isn't really much brighter...
  4. Lin

    Questions about the sniper rifle.

    I've been wondering for a long time, and I really need to increase my lr skills, so can somebody answer these questions with official info? -Is the sniper rifle instant-fire? -If I see a large delay due to lag, is that only the animation, or the actual shot? -Is the sniper rifle beam actually...
  5. Lin

    Download [RELEASE] LrX - A Laser Rifle Package

    I haven't seen many sniper rifle mods out there, so I decided to do a little something. It's a ret, beam recoloration, and skin for the laser rifle, all based off of a green/black/white theme. The reticle I can demo, but unfortunately my computer is being stupid and won't let me screenshot the...
  6. Lin

    Sniper Rifle Hitmarker

    I'm working on a modification to the sniper reticle, but I can't figure out how to make the hitmarker work. When I shoot an enemy, nothing changes.
  7. Lin

    Now that the IFFs are fixed...

    How bout longer jet trails? They provide some long-range visibility without being blatant, and it lends a stealth/skill aspect to routes. Say you wanted to make a jump from one hill to the next, you could cut off your jets in midair to be less visible, but that would mean you can't make changes...
  8. Lin

    Trajectory Modifier

    Here goes another weapon suggestion : Slow moving, ballistic trajectory weapon that deals only about 10% damage. It would explode on impact at any range, with blast radius about double the rocket launcher's and knockback like a pineapple/rocket combo for the full extent of the blast. The hitch...
  9. Lin

    Raider Heads

    Anybody know what folder the boxy Raider heads are in? I want those ones that have like a square visor thing with lights on the front, not the round ones, but all I can find are two dts files under shapes/human/head/raider that say "visor up" and "visor down"
  10. Lin

    Changes to the Grenade Trail

    After using Masterluso's wonderful blue glow effect for the grenades, I got kinda disappointed at the black smoke coming out of 'em. I'm really new to modding, and i have no idea how to open those .dds/.dts files, so can somebody here help me out with the grenade trails?
  11. Lin

    Questions about camera FoV

    I went ahead and tried out the full-screen option in the options tab, but I'm getting a lot of distortion around the edges with fov defaulted at 90 degrees. I tried a couple of different option, but really can't see much improvement in the distortion, so can anybody else help me out here? I'm...