The Great Launchpad Damage/No Damage Thread

Should Launch pads give damage when used?

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Well seeing that they've released Launch Pads without damage, some people aren't so keen on the idea, I'd like to know how much the community like it or do not, and for what reason?

I like it because, when they take your flag at 200 or whatever speed it was, you'd have to sacrifice health on a launch pad to catch them, and then they might possibly still have a good 100% health and you have about 40% (after the RJ to catch up to them of course) So they could RJ two times to get away from you, but now it seems to not be as useless as before since it has no damage.

And plus, I don't mind it being used for capping, in maps like gorge it'll take away 10 seconds of setting up some routes with a launch pad but no one would use it because your health would just disappear, and that can be vital in a match.

I vote yes to no damage!


Private Tester
I'm undecided. Probably leaning towards no damage though. I prefer the fast paced gameplay, something jump pads aids in. Also, less damage = less respawning = faster gameplay


On Gorge for sure they should, otherwise people would be able to gain silly speeds (at least I would :]). Blade run, since it's much bigger it shouldn't have dmging pads


Private Tester
The way they are now, I don't think so. Its pretty close to a rocket jump as I remember, and it would be faster to just do so. Maybe a significant increase in the speed it gives you would change people's opinions.


New Member
I haven't had a chance to try out the new ones on bladerun yet, but it seems like it would help with chasing if they didn't. I even like the idea of having them be team specific, so that would prevent the cappers from getting even more ridiculous routes.

I also kinda suck, so I probably don't know what I'm talking about. :p


First of all I think that Gorge jump-pads without dmg will cause people to achieve silly speeds, but that doesn't matter really.

The thing that matters is that the damage dealing jump-pads were... a great boost to the LO, or at least to me when I was playing as the LO. The structure of the Gorge base allows for great duelling (ramp-sloped divided by walls/ protected by the bridges allow easy and safe landing) and the LO can take a great advantage of that. The jump pads helped me out a lot too and made the game much more fun. At least for me :D the others didn't complain though; they only laughed a bit.

Now you might think 'wth is he talking about?'... Well, the jump-pads are damage dealing and team specific. They throw the player sideways too, and their effective range is greater than their physical size. It's a safe landing spot for the LO, but the defence should avoid it during a fight. I've had a number of 1v3/4s fought out as LO with players that I'd have trouble 1v2ing. I won those fights (and continued to LO-distract after they've respawned) only thanks to the base design and making the defence land on/ fly too near the jump pads. ++ to smart LO on Gorge.

It's not that I necessarily want the jump-pads to keep their damage-dealing nature, but I wouldn't want L:O to lose an accidentally created gameplay mechanic that's fun and provides balance in a way.
Cos you see, I think that Gorge has a really well designed base for defense against cappers: nearly impossible to llama, numerous great sniper spots, many positions for BBers/HoFs and a great visibility. In order to cap a team would need to invest heavy into LO so that the enemy is distracted and the capper can go in relatively safely (that's how we played it in the Gorge PuG after which my PC broke ;p). Such 'red zones', which the jump-pads are during a fight, would balance the offence out on that map. Disadvantaging the defence by an unfriendly base design does sound a bit mental, but it makes the game more fun.

-tl;dr's shall die-


Flatulent Cherub
Noticed a couple of threads re: launch pads and removing (or keeping) the damage component.

Figured I'd combine them into one super thread!

Please post all Launchpad damage discussions in here!


AGH!!!! Did you at least read it before moving it here? >.< I was more into the 'red zones' which the jump pads currently-


I think launch pads needs to be reworked from scratch. Instead of having a trampoline that slings you to some random direction the moment you least expect it I'd rather have "speed-up lanes" in a form of ramp that points upward. Not only do you have better idea where you're getting slung at you'll also get both velocity AND height boost (snipe chasers rejoice).

Trampolines (I'm not gonna pretend they're "Jump Pads", they look and feel like trampolines) are too unpredictable and inferior to rocket jumping in every way -> useless as Rockey pointed out.


Re-read your post again and still seems to fit within the context of the Great Launchpad Damage thread.
Yah but this Great Thread will end up in a multi-topic discussion on the launchpads and my post-

(this happens to me every time a thread is locked when I'm about to post and 'now)
Killed my argument anyway I think ;/. Anyway I was trying to suggest a new idea in that thread since I knew people want to call off the damage dealt by jump-pads but they might also be- AH forget it I'm typing too much in here...


The changes to the jumppads on Blade Run will apply to Gorge as well.

So far the feedback seems that people like them without damage. Once Blade Run is moved to live we'll also see what happens to Gorge.

Don't worry about it though, the game can always be tweaked again if it doesn't work out.


Private Tester
I think launch pads needs to be reworked from scratch. Instead of having a trampoline that slings you to some random direction the moment you least expect it I'd rather have "speed-up lanes" in a form of ramp that points upward. Not only do you have better idea where you're getting slung at you'll also get both velocity AND height boost (snipe chasers rejoice).

uhhhh.... the jump pads sling you in the exact direction that you are traveling as you pass over it. Nothing random to it. And it's quite expected, unless you're terribad at L:O movement and never have any idea where you're going to land...

the biggest downside to jump pads is the fact that you have to get over to them before taking advantage of the boost. Even with the damage, it still wasn't more than the damage you'd take from a RJ or combo, thus, why waste time getting over to a pad when you can just initiate a RJ or combo anywhere. Same damage, but more convenient. If you want to make the pads more user friendly, increase boost and reduce or remove damage. So far damage has been removed, and so far I like it more. Still have a hard time seeing need to travel over to a pad to boost myself when I can get the same if not better boost from a RJ or combo.


Test Lead
How would people feel about being required to press the jump button in order to get boosted? There have been a few times(very few, actually), where I wasn't paying attention and accidentally stepped on a pad. Sorta sucks if you're trying to defend the flag from several attackers/cappers and don't necessarily watch every step you take.


uhhhh.... the jump pads sling you in the exact direction that you are traveling as you pass over it. Nothing random to it. And it's quite expected, unless you're terribad at L:O movement and never have any idea where you're going to land...

I was about to correct myself but Fixious beat me to it, there's been few incidents when Base Def person gets slingshotted miles away because of slight error in one's movement. Then there's also the fact that you have to fly over the pad, but how high? I admit I haven't tried jump pads that much, but if I can accomplish same (if not better) results with Rocket Jump why would anyone want to learn secrets of jump pads?

Pardon me for grammar errors/brainfarts, it's past midnight and I'm writing half-asleep here.


Having no-damage jump pads working well on one map doesn't mean they would work well on others. Generalizing them to be no-damage on all the other maps would be a mistake. They seem to work well on Bladerun due to the massiveness of the map and the ability it gives to achieve high speeds easily. A chaser usually needs the jump pad and an RJ to even have a chance to catch up to a good capper.

If they were implemented with no-damage on some of the other maps. It would be jump pad, down jet, RJ, 200+. No point in learning to ski really. One of the aspects I like about legions is how movement has as much importance if not more than weapons. This makes for a true maneuverability/speed vs. strength/firepower class system. Adding easy buttons to everything might make the game more accessible, but at the same time it would the game bland and shallow.

I would be very hesitant to add jump pads to a map until the map has been completed and refined. They could be used as a crutch by the map-maker from refining the terrain and making it skiable. I could also see them abused easily during stand-offs.

The changes to the jumppads on Blade Run will apply to Gorge as well.

I don't think adding no-damage to the jump pads would solve the inherent problems of the map. Are we now wanting cappers to give instant speed on their routes instead of proper terrain to actually ski in?


Flatulent Cherub
The one thing about jump pads that I'd like to see is for them to have the same properties from map to map. I feel it would be confusing for players if they're receiving damage from jump pads on one map, then on another map they're not receiving damage.