Range Finder

Volt Cruelerz

Legions Developer
In a similar vein I wouldn't mind a targeting laser as well. I like pointing out incoming cappers in Tribes so those on the flag stand aren't caught off guard, and found myself trying to do the same in Legions.

And while I don't have any experience in coding, I don't think it'd be that difficult to make. Basically a sniper rifle with a constant, harmless beam.

I typically just fire a couple rockets when I'm on d to get the attention of the HoF and others using the rockets as flares to indicate a capper and where they're coming from


I like the targeting laser idea, but i feel like its a little too easy right now to get the IFF up and find out where everybody is for that to be much of an improvement. Maybe if the targeting laser showed where the person was even off screen, like the flags do.

Lol, the infinite FOV IFFs are apparently a bug. In the future, it will probably be more similar to how it was before instantaction went down.


Even the instant action ones were kinda iffy to me. It feels like there should be a limiting factor to them, like they only show up after you've hit the person. That of course would require lengthening the trails again, so we can actually SEE people without IFFs


How about FOV and range? Basically, anyone in your FOV within a certain range will have their IFFs show up. Also, everyone on your team will be able to see them. Simple and practical.

I wouldn't mind lengthening the trails a tad bit when IFFs are fixed.


I think range is a good idea, but that would def require lengthening the trails. Not sure if its a prob with just me, but at long ranges i can't see the trails at all.