Publics are Publics?

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Warrior of Linux
Just wanted to make a post here, giving some advice to people who play public games, and who often get frustrated by them. Yes, we know that type of person, MJ1284 'was' a good example, but he too has accepted this fact:

Public games are public games, players are feel to do whatever they want, whenever they want. The best way to enjoy them is for yourself to do whatever you want, whenever you want. This of course extends to the point where it becomes griefing (Osniping, teamkilling and other bad stuff). The moment that you stop caring about the outcome of the game, and start enjoying the game despite what may be going on, you'll instantly find public games more fun. Trust me ;)


The Aussie
Lies. Don't encourage griefing. Public games are there to be fun, however that doesn't mean you're supposed to muck around in them. To me they are simply a less serious version of a PUG.


Private Tester
He just didn't read the entire post like most of the community does. :p

I'm guessing he stopped at "whenever they want."


Well I wouldn't say O-Sniping is bad. It's frowned upon, but certainly not punishable. O-sniping is actually a good form of LO/Distract, provided you have only one sniper who's good. Besides, most O-snipers are noobs that don't know how to prepare themselves for short-range combat when someone actually goes out to kill them, so it's easy to take them down. Here's a good thread to go to/post in so that this thread isn't derailed:


If your going to act like this go into the Entrepreneur business or any type of business in general; not a team oriented game.

This community has an average emotional age of 12. If you say it's okay to osnipe, heavy bowlparty, or TK then people will. The effect even bad osnipers bowlparty's and tkers can have on a team is ridiculous and knowing our community, the "good" players will do it too.


Test Lead
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