I see why you removed the player identity and that the team registration has to die with it.
But that destroys all my hopes on player and team supports like ingame friendslist, teammatch systems etc.
And before anyone says: "Matchmakingsystem for this small community??? Are you serious?"
On the one hand: Yes, we have a small community, yes, there is no competition atm, and maybe my "dreams" about a bigger, active community with organized leagues, or an ELO system or whatever are stupid and unreachable. I also know that this costs probably some money.
But on the other hand I think there is no reason for a new player to stay with this game. There's nothing which makes you proud because you reached the next skill level (for example a higher elo, etc.), as Mahidar said everyone could be everyone, the one the guy with the nick Battelstar you talked to was cool
, the other day he's suddendly an idiot. So all in all Legions is a game which you played for one time, maybe liked it, but then you start playing a different game and forget about it.
Don't understand me wrong, I'm really happy that the devs brought Legions back, I'm very thankful for all the time they spent on Legions and all the updates improved the game so far (for example the new content such as maps/weapons, the player hosted servers etc., the mod support), but this part of the new update is a huge step backwards in my opinion. This may be a sad day for Legions. (Trust me, I hope I'm wrong)