Meh,Can we play these map?


Blade run pl0x. I know you guys are working hard on it (leak from DeadGuy :p). Hope what you guys release will be awesome :) Tyvm Mabel for taking so much time to work.


300 speed. The grab is around 290 - 300 and the route is constant 230 or something :) I don't remember much :( was so long ago


I miss mirage so much, and blade run, and forgotten, and quarry... especially the tunnels in Mirage.


Legions Developer
They need to have one server running all maps, regardless if they feel its not worth releasing. There are people out there who like to fool around and enjoy the scenery and have fun... not every game has to be competive.


you know if the actual maps can't be used, could you at least use the themes for new maps? I sorta miss just how they looked.

Ironically enough that was the original intention behind the video, was to display the ability to concept multiple map themes quickly (about 6 hours work not counting quarry/core). I also have a 'blue/crystal' theme I want to work with. Quite honestly I'd love to spend 10 hours everyday working on all of the crazy legions ideas I've ever had, but I just don't have time for it. However seeing the video has brought back memories!

Oasis was done in like 20 minutes and was just a concept, the original file is lost but could be duplicated very quickly. It was back when I was thinking of how to mix the sand/green that both seemed to look so good in legions together. "Oasis" came to mind, and that map represented my urge to visualize that. The end goal was a sort of 'mining' operation taking minerals and water out of the ground. Some lush green, surrounded by desolate desert.

The dropzone styled map was a concept brought on by dropzone back in T1. My idea however was instead of just a bunch of floating platforms, there would be chunks of floating/flying land. Me and Alex had a grand idea of designing a super huge air carrier fleet that was hauling chunks of land away and either end of the ship was the base with the flags. Obviously if you missed any chunk of land you'd fall to your death. There were limitations in the engine that I never figured out how to get passed that would automatically replace any terrain you've deleted anytime you re load your map. Either that or the terrain file would corrupt. I guess you can only delete so much terrain? I don't know. I'm sure there is an answer, but I was onto other tasks before I ever got a chance to revisit the idea. An hour or two and you could quickly recreate the concept equal to what was shown in the video.

'Junk' Was a concept derived from Tribes Vengeances's Junk. Just a scrapyard time feel. I wanted people to play capture the flag in a junkyard where most of the obstacles and hills were sand blown over piles of junk. This map never made it much pass the concept phase either, although I do have a more recent concept of where I wanted to take the direction. I wanted to have piles of dead bodies from each opposing team surrounding the flag stand, and possibly a prisoner of opposing team color in a cage with some sort of repeating ambient talking or muttering. I've always wanted to bring a real sense of immersion to legions maps. I failed! lol

One Small Step has seen many face lifts, and the current version that is out there I'm not really sure if it's fixable. I'd have to spend time with it that I don't have. However, the good news is the pieces are definitely there for a potentially fun map. Alex designed the bases, I've set up the theme, someone just needs to put it all together. If noone else gets around to it, I promise I will eventually :p. The map and the indoor flag stands deserve a chance to be played out in legions imo. There was actually a chute under the flag stand that if you missed the flag or got knocked down the shoot you'd fly out the bottom of the 'asteroid' and die from entering the atmosphere of an earth below that was part of the skybox. It was a really cool little element to the map.

And Beggars Peak was just me playing with random skyboxes and randomly generated terrain. I always loved that terrain and should have pursued it but never did. Lost the original files. It's gone. Forever.


Legions Developer
I'm going start working on mapping next.. see what I can come up with. Beggars peak had some awesome terrain.. did you do a reformat and forget to back up the data?


quarry should make a return with improved spawn locations (i.e not 5 miles away from your own base with no option to get there fast)

it was a good map.


The Aussie
quarry should make a return with improved spawn locations (i.e not 5 miles away from your own base with no option to get there fast)

it was a good map.

I remember playing with DeadGuy and a few others one day when he asked as which map we wanted to play in. We said blade run.... and new game started and the map was blade run.

I donno how he did this but he said the maps were available to him from the start.... all of them. Why don't the devs just release all the maps if they already have them?


Legions Developer
all the maps are currently are there they just don't put it in map rotation because they don't want situations where it makes people leave.. to be honest id like to see least one server running all maps that way if we want to play those maps its available to us.


New Member
Great idea.
Puzzle Maps.
If someone can make a mod when it's possible.
Kinda like how that tutorial map was. I never really WAS fond of PlayLegions because of the time trial deal about it. If it was a puzzle-like thing, though, I'd love to see that.