Loadout Enhancements & Utilites

Which idea, between Enhancement and Utility, would you be happy for if implemented into the game?

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New Member
There are already machine classes (Outrider, Raider, Sentinel) so why not have two more optional columns pertaining to useful bonuses? In summary, this idea means you have the option to choose between an increase in (for instance) firepower, or the ability to fly through objects for a limited time upon key press. Doesn't that sound interesting?

Enhancement and Utility, although two different columns, are separated only to tell the difference between what they contain. The chosen bonus column is highlighted to remind the player what they have active.

You might be against this already, if you're still reading, but hear me out:

Enhancements: (Passive)
  • Extra Jet Pair - Increased acceleration and vertical thrust while jets are active.
  • Offensive Science - Increased firepower.
  • Another Battery - (X)% greater max energy capacity.
  • Armor Upgrade - Decreases damage taken.
  • Steady Hand (Chaingun) - Lower bullet spread.
  • Elite Class - Buffs second-class weapons to III:
    • RLIII - Hold for acceleration, continue holding for additional rockets to burst out of the rocket.
    • GLIII - Hold to arm the cluster, continue holding to increase the velocity and number of cluster projectiles.
    • LRIII - Hold to keep a laser beam active until energy is exhausted.
Utilities: (Active on key press; time-limited)
  • Land Shark: X seconds of passing unobstructed through any matter (ground, other players, buildings, objects, etc.). If occupying the space of other matter upon deactivation, automatic death + flag (if held) returns to the enemy base.
  • Optical Jammer - Become invisible for X seconds. Damage still applies, of course.
  • Superdrive - Invincible-by-collision overdrive, active within the first X seconds of overdrive or for X seconds during overdrive upon key press (needs to be decided upon). Damage that would be taken by running into objects or the ground is ignored.
  • Hyperdrive - A speed boost during overdrive, activated upon overdrive activation or for X seconds during overdrive (needs to be decided upon).
  • Repulsor - Acts a force of X km/h (if that's the speed unit) on the area immediately around the user upon key press, pushing other players away relative to the position from the user and receiving less force the farther away they are until there is no force. Instantaneous, does not have a lasting effect.
  • Superheat - Explodes upon colliding with another player, also destroying the other player. If collision does not occur within activation time, the user is destroyed anyway. Active for X seconds upon key press.
  • Gravity Glove - Attaches the player to the nearest surface for X seconds upon key press. Optional speed reduction to zero.
And these are just ideas, after all. Albeit my intention was not to create what I listed above, I do want to make a clear example of what would qualify to be an Enhancement or a Utility. Now that you hopefully understand what I mean, there's no limit to what can be better suggested as fit for the game.

In a future where games are hosted by players, the availability of these could be toggled, or servers could exist with a preset allowance for or against these.

Please comment and suggest your own ideas for Enhancements and/or Utilities, and be sure to explain their usefulness, which I'm sorry to not list here and now because that's just too much for anyone to read, and some of it is obvious. Also feel free to modify the names and/or functions of the ideas I listed, or suggest a viable X value for any listed Utility.

Thank you for reading.


Some of these are OP for various reasons, but the one that stood out is GLIII. We do not need more clusters (1HKOing a sent is scary).

I'd like to see some of these in-game, but as Mabel says, legions is based round ctf, so I doubt it.


New Member
but as Mabel says, legions is based round ctf, so I doubt it.

I don't see how this makes any difference, seeing as Land Shark could let you approach the flags from both behind and directly underneath in Gorge, or keep you from losing speed due to collisions in Moonshine when exiting the enemy base. More speed for cappers and chasers, more firepower for defenders, etc. I understand the rest of your post, but being CTF doesn't change the usefulness of some things already listed. My main point was about having anything like this at all, though, so it would be nice if criticism were more toward that than specifics.


Flatulent Cherub
Seymour's always been a fan of the idea of equippable items with passive and/or active bonuses. While some of these suggestions I'm not a fan of (the pass through objects ability seems like it could cause a lot of game issues), I do like others. The Gravity Glove in particular could be interesting, it would be a way to make quick stops, latch on to walls, etc.

Here are some other suggestions:

Ammunition Satchel; Carry more ammunition.
Enhanced Vision; IFF sensor radius around the player is increased (allowing the player to be aware of nearby enemies sooner).
Spike Armour; Successful body blocks cause more damage.

I'd like to see some of these in-game, but as Mabel says, legions is based round ctf, so I doubt it.

I'm not quite understanding how since Legions is based on CTF, passive/active items (or enhancements) cannot be introduced.


New Member
Thank you for your post, Seymour. Ammo didn't come to mind at the time, and I'm more a victim of body blocks than a performer, but I see how that can make it worse for me.

I wouldn't know the technical details, but Land Shark would be nice to have. I mentioned Moonshine in particular because I run into the center pillar on (is it Beta side?) when trying to get away.


Flatulent Cherub
My concerns with the land shark ability would be these:

Clipping issues; Best way I can describe this is when you fall through the terrain during pregame and everything looks all wonky (you're able to see through stuff, terrain appears to have tears, etc).

Balancing issues; A couple examples would be LO phasing through base walls attacking the HoF then phasing through another wall to hide from the return fire, rinse and repeat. Cappers phasing through the ground, grabbing the flag, then phasing out again.

As for the concern about difficult terrain being made easier to navigate, why not another passive item that reduces gravity-based damage. Say, 'Gravity Shield' or something like that. Basically all gravity damage would be reduced, allowing for more forgiving skiing.

Volt Cruelerz

Legions Developer
Landshark would be a mess. The way maps are set up, if you try to pass through the ground, you'd simply fall through with no hope of returning... While I wouldn't rule out some sort of ghosting ability for ordinary solid objects, trying to pass through the ground will end up making you fall for enternity.

As for the gravity glove, Mabel's got a deep hatred of grappling hooks and this will probably remind him of that...

Further CG/other weapon upgrades: no. Just, no. The devs have already said that they don't want specialist weapons. Beyond that you'll be handing out a TON of extra power. The CGII was removed for being OP. Imagine Steady Hand and CGIII. CG will dominate every game, every duel, every chase.

As for the other ideas, not bad, and some would be nice to see ingame.


New Member
Assuming the anytime overdrive on Sentinels use isn't restricted to pushing other players, I use it to reduce or avoid damage by changing direction quickly as well boost my speed when facing a very small yet steep hill. That in mind, if a Utility (active on key press) were made to give anytime overdrive, then perhaps other classes could harness that small detail. At the same time the 'Overdrive Controller' could give Sentinels the ability to use full Overdrive. Now THAT would be both funny and interesting to observe.

EDIT: And since I didn't see your post, Volt, until now, I can say that I didn't list a CGIII because I kinda got the drift when they removed the CGII. Thank you for your post.

EDIT 2: AND about using "both" Steady Hand and CGIII, the idea here is to separate two kinds of bonuses but only allowing one between them. In other words, you wouldn't be able to do that with my idea (and of course that's subject to possible discussion and change, but some of these are just too nice to have two).


Sorry if I was unclear. Though you sorta mentioned one in your post seymour..
I meant like the repulsor would be used by HoFs, and the optical jamming by cappers... and so on. OPness.


New Member
Wouldn't it be challenging in that case, though, Mhi200? Blind defenders and a capper than can't reach the flag? Lol...

Thank you for your post.

EDIT: That said, I still would appreciate if criticism were more toward the idea as a whole than example specifics. For instance, what if all of the possibilities implemented were tested to avoid being OP?

Volt Cruelerz

Legions Developer
Conceptually, the idea is fine. I'm all for customizable loadouts like this. Its just a trick to get options that won't be OP.

Though in regards to Repulsor and OJ, An HoF with Rep won't have to aim. A capper with OJ won't have to try. Mix the two together and OJ comes out on top. One LO uses the GL on the HoF as the capper comes in (also with OJ) and takes the flag without any resistance.


New Member
Conceptually, the idea is fine. I'm all for customizable loadouts like this. Its just a trick to get options that won't be OP.

Noted. However I'm unsure of how to go about separating ideas of that kind from the broad spectrum of examples I listed in the original post. Also along that line, if such a separation were in vain due to the rejection of the idea by those who have the power to do so. Regardless of the value of the act, yes, we need to set apart the worthwhile considerations for passive and active bonuses from those that can be too overpowering or contribute to a poor game play style.

When that does happen, the decided OP options will be listed to avoid future suggestion.