Team Vorticity - Zeta


Loving all the interest i have here... i spoke with many people and if i havent spoke with you, please reach out to me on IRC or a PM.

To anyone out there, the best way to get you name out is PUG's... that's mainly where i look. So please participate in as many as possible for your sake and the future of legions.


New Member
Given that Omni isn't looking into competition, I'd like to express my interest in re-joining Zeta here, since I can't find the PM button.


Private Tester
Sorry but you're not allowed to join Zeta Envy, if you did you would probably be banned from competition as Envy and Kryst on the same team is OP and cheating.

It sucks I know, but rules are rules... ;)


Private Tester
Lol you made me have a memorable laugh Chi-Ro. Nice hearin from ya buddy! Hopefully I can join ya guys soon...:rolleyes:

I'm providing the booze for the first game folks. Anyone have requests other than tequila, vodka, gin, vermouth, and some 151?

Ha git that whisky! siiirrr!

You'll need to beat Kryst in a drinking contest. If you can do that, you don't even need to be tested.
Lol I agree with Ucan...

Look for Team Vorticity to do big things in the Leejunz revival!



Private Tester
FYI, bud, you can "reply" to and thusly quote multiple people in your post without having to chain-post. Just put your cursor in the Reply box at the bottom of the screen where you want the quote to go, then scroll back up and hit the "Reply" link on the particular post you want to reference.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled delighted greetings. =)


Private Tester
FYI, bud, you can "reply" to and thusly quote multiple people in your post without having to chain-post. Just put your cursor in the Reply box at the bottom of the screen where you want the quote to go, then scroll back up and hit the "Reply" link on the particular post you want to reference.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled delighted greetings. =)

Thank you kind sir.