Suggestions for types of turrets

Volt, you put in your post a suggestion for a portable mortar. There's already a portable mortar, it's called the mortar and it's held by the sentinel. Surely you mean a fixed position mortar? I'd suggest that it have the explosion radius of the old mortar though, rather than the new mortar, as it usually makes sense if the turrets are more powerful than the handheld versions, and it obviously can't be used to bowl-party/artillery the enemy base.


New Member
What if the tracking on the turrets was greatly increased by a flare that attached to players? Anyone can have them, they're not really a weapon...maybe a grenade slot? Basically it attaches to a player and stays for a few seconds. Without getting hit by one of those, it'd be fairly easy to dodge turret fire. But with one of those on you, you'd have to focus your attention on dodging turret attacks.

Volt Cruelerz

Legions Developer
Idk about a flare, but perhaps a type of turret that would mark players for other turrets. Turrets aiming at a marked player would have reduced lock-on times and perhaps RoF.


New Member
Well you might as well not even have that feature if it's going to be done by another turret. The idea is that the team with the most skill will get the most out of the turrets. If it's just done by another automated turret that kinda defeats the point... I think anyways...


Idk about a flare, but perhaps a type of turret that would mark players for other turrets. Turrets aiming at a marked player would have reduced lock-on times and perhaps RoF.
Perhaps make it a gun. Something like the Laser Rifle could be a target painter, setting some turrets onto one target in particular.


I agree with Sin's original point that turrets would make offense much more difficult (assuming the turrets are all defense, which I believe most of us think they are). Obviously trying to set up a turret in an enemy's base is just a dumb idea, as it will be destroyed in 2 seconds. Also, I notice that pretty consistently in public games, the defense is stronger than the offense. Its just because defense is easier to pickup and learn for new and upcoming players, while capping isnt. Anyways, here are my ideas of offense oriented deployables and more:

- Jammer: For x seconds, you are untargetable by turrets.

Weapons: (all taken from Defender's Meltdown mod :) )
- EMP grenade: A grenade that will deactivate a turret for x seconds, and drain players' energy.
- Or EMP weapons, same concept
- Translocator: Gun that shoot like a cluster launcher, yet upon release you teleport to the cluster nade's location.
- Teleporter pads (but destroyable)
- Defender's blitz cannon. Man do I love that thing.
Enough idealizing defender :p

Turrets & deployables
- The nuisance turret: The point of the LO is to distract the defense enough so the capper can get away right? Well, I give you the nuisance turret. Wherever you place it, it will fly and jet around in unusual pattern in a sphere from its original placement, and constantly fire the CG with relatively bad aim. Trust me, such a thing would really piss me off as a sniper. And of course turrets are targetable by turrets as well, so may distract the enemy's home turrets as well.
- Boost pads
- Airstike turret: Shoots nades in large lobbing fashion, and can shoot from behind a hill. Easy to see it coming, not veryy accurate due to a long time delay, but can be could for clearing an enemy base. Also, requires someone to fly down to it to kill it do to being behind a hill.
- The follower turret: Will find the enemy closest to it, and slowly follow it shooting the enemy. Any real skiing should lose it very quickly, and it will retarget, but yet again, its supposed to be a nuisance to the defense.
iOD deployable: A pad that when run over, will cause you to have temporary access to iOD (or act like you just got hit into OD by HoF). Very easy to kill, and its only use would really be for an escort to fly by and drop it right before the flag for the capper to use.

Here are just a few ideas.


Turrets just attack the first person it sees right? so theoretically LO can just come in to distract the turrets, as well as the enemy's D so cappers can get through?

Also, I feel like turrets are insanely easy to make OP. They can kill the LO, and cover for defense, which means more can go offense and make it harder for your defense. Plus, I say a no-no to any long range turret. Why should the capper that just got away with 5% health and is well into his return route home get smacked in the face by an aimbot? Plus, most cap routes mean that the capper is coming towards the flag relatively straight, making it easy for turrets. Thats why I think a jammer core is an essential option to have in case a capper feels like they are getting turret spammed too much.

This leads me to my next question: when turrets are destroyed, are the repairable right away, or do they take x seconds to respawn? If they can't come back at all then they become useless as you would just take them out right away, but I feel repairing them right away would also be too easy; just have one guy on D carry a repair gun and voila the turret you destroyed is back up in 10 seconds.

Obviously if the turrets are too stupid or too weak they become useless, but I doubt that is going to happen. In all honesty, the more deployable turrets available the more ridiculous it becomes. I suggest that you must be within a certain range for your turret to work, or at least for the defensive turrets, so you cannot lay one down and just go off onto offense. Also, I'm guessing there is some sort of cap for how many turrets a team can have?

As for offensive turrets/deployables, which I assume you are considering (If you haven't noticed most of these questions are directed at the devs), and I consider a necessity, how do you plan on dealing with their survivability? Anything you place near the enemy base will just get blown up in 2 seconds. Sorry for the rambling.


Well, I don't know how to answer all of those, but I figure that, for destroyed turrets, they'd have to be rebuilt by a player with either a weapon or core for engineering. Probably, a generator system should be used for base asset turrets, and the rebuilding conditions could be such that the generator needs to be in a certain level of condition before more base assets can be deployed. For offensive turret deployables, each player can carry only one, though more restrictions could be laid down on deployable turrets. Each player could only have one, and after it gets destroyed, they have to respawn in order to get a new deployable turret. Other deployables could have different conditions and limitations on them.


A generator about no!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mausgang -_-
Whitehawk, you should have known that it would be only a matter of time before this would come up. The generator could be a fast-track method to taking down the base-asset type turrets. The generator would have, say, 2.5x the health of a single turret, but when there are four or five turrets, it becomes another option towards taking down all the turrets at once, thus making more offensive moves (like flag grabs) more feasible more quickly. The generator would be better protected than the turrets, but if LO coordinates (Fat chance in PUBs, I know, but still) they can open up the base faster, and stall the resurrection of the turrets.


I know it would come up but ii still don't likee the idea and I just don't want everyone to focus on the turrets and the generator room when we are in pubs.


Well the generator system was implemented horribly in T:A, and overall I agree with WhiteHawk that it is a bad idea. It distracts too much from the main objective. You send one guy to destroy the generator, he gets met by a defense player who has to sit there just guarding the stupid thing. The offense then comes back with another, and then the defense goes there, and so on. Happened all the time in my experience with T:A. I know I can't just base it off of my experience with that game, its just I think the generator is going to be too valuable and distract too much from the actual CTF, or it could just be useless, because how many shots is a turret going to get on you when your going 200 m/s anyways? If you had a separate gametype involving generators be my guest, but I just think generators should not be in CTF. Plus, the mapmaers would have to redesign most maps to have a place to put the generator.


How about turrets with out generator a turret core that allowes you set set up turrets and repair players don't have to forcus on the regeneration rooms.


I'm proposing a generator just so that there's a cap on how many turrets can be placed on a base. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be deployable turrets, but I'm arguing that they should be used along cap routes and offensive positions. Defensive turrets should have a weakness, and in the pacing of Legions, defenders would hardly need to merely sit around to protect the generator. The bases are, for the most part, wide open. The moonshine/nivo base would be the hardest to place a generator in, but most other bases have locations that could be used for generators. Reactor's glowing things could be the generators, they look the part already.

The generators wouldn't be concealed off somewhere, in my opinion, but fairly easy to attack and defend as a part of the already existing mayhem that is CTF LD vs. LO. I think it could add some good things to the game. If you don't like this, please, whitehawk, explain yourself.