Despise and condemn.

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[To: Armageddon, Arch, Nept -- ?+---> everyone else whose names have had hostility towards me and others on grounds of a childish bias, names who hold no place, no right to room in my memory.]

When, in the case that a select few of you don't like somebody (I.E., Whitehawk, Bestking, me etc.), you bash them, call them names, disrespect them, and gather the cheers of your childish "bros" around you. I do not approve of these behaviors (nor do new members whom I have spoken to over TS3 and IRC; they despise such actions). It is not me. No, it is you. I had a mac port to offer: something none of you had figured out so far (which warrants that I am more apt at porting programs and games than the community as a whole, yet you treat me as refuse); I came back with a kind and forgiving outlook: qualities which said community lacks, on majority. While there are indeed many personable figures in said community, the rest tend to hold a hostile attitude towards people who aren't their "bros" or "frats", or whatever you cool college-level people say. You say I'm immature; yet, as if to spite yourself in stinging irony, you handle disagreement and opposition with the worst possible methods.

I am sorry to say that I simply cannot and will not release my mac port, for several reasons:

1. The general consensus in said community is that Macs are irrelevant to work, gaming, and life in general.
2. The majority of said community holds a hostile, biased attitude towards mac users.
3. I have tried my best to stay calm and act accordingly; however, it seems either you or I are/am speaking a foreign language.
No matter what I say or do, no matter which 'angle' [so to speak] I confront said community, I meet discordial and rude members with a tendency towards hostility.
4. The bias against me and other players -- albeit and illogical and mob-mentality based one at that -- disgusts me. No person should ever have to suffer such insults and fire from a community. Perhaps the only issue which disgusts me more is the fact that you still expect new players to join said community.

You, a community - as a whole -, are not approachable. One hostile person versus one cordial person is like pitting a lion against a mouse. People notice the rudeness, and fixate their minds on that, causing them to come away with the idea that this is an elitist community. Thus, as my parting word, I highly suggest -- no, I mandate -- that you, as a community, rethink your approachability; you never know when you have driven away someone who seriously considered donating large amounts of money to keep the servers up. Cough.

I thought long and hard about my time here. The way I am treated here is not my fault; No, it is not my fault. Yes, I was immature before I left for the first time (due to misfortunes suffered by me thanks to people like you), but I have grown, learned many lessons and will continue to learn valuable bits of wisdom, and now, I know enough to stand up and tell people like you to stop in your tracks and rethink the way you treat others. I know I cannot change any of you - and I HAVE had a few good experiences here - but I do not wish to. The day will come when you lose your community, lose your goals and aims, and lose sight of what you (and I as well) had originally set out to do.

I would wish you all the best of luck, but I would regret taking such action later, as your attitude towards people outside of your cliques do not warrant such a phrase.

I had been bullied physically, mentally, via text, e-mail, facebook, tormented, had things stolen from me (including grades I had worked my fingers off for), had my car keyed, windows smashed, house spray-painted, and been shut down by nearly all of the kids in my neighoborhood AND teachers at the highschool I attended; all this, for the entirety of 9th grade. Such is the American public education, and as such are you. Because of the hellhole of freshman year, am highly tolerant of obnoxious and hostile people. This is not a sobstory. I am not asking for pity. No, I am showing you all that it is indeed you - it is not me. If it were me, I would have left long ago.

Do not mock and jeer at me when I leave; you will not receive a mac port; you will not receive a realism mod; you will not receive a tidy sum of money, a collective donation from 5 buddies of mine and I. Do not mock and jeer; you will have realized the loss, and the losses to come.

I understand that many of you will dismiss this note as immature and time-wasting; however, I hold sympathy for those of you I have listed. You show no capacity to hold compassion; never have I known what is feels like to possess a cold, dead heart.

Though I have listed three members specifically, hear this and take it to heart: names I would list - but shall not, in order to shorten said note by a page and a half - are not sparse in my mind.

It stands as that these collections of points are the very things which I despise and condemn with such a hatred previously unknown to me, a person of will and rigor. Despise and condemn.

I wish luck not to you [all], but instead to new members, so that they might hold higher tolerance for such childish and time-wasting behaviors.



I was going to type something insightful but.... No.
My head is empty now.
The least all of you can say is "What the *dance*!" Have you no words left? Have you never had anyone stand up to you, or is it just that this standard of thinking too complete for your tastes?

It would seem that your thinking is illiterate and highly dependent on the support of your supporters.

I find it prudent to inform you that your errant lack of kindness has driven away 24+ people I know from said community/game. As long as you treat people this way, your game will go under. Nobody will appreciate you, your community, or the game if the overall attitude towards people who do not fully agree with you continues to be so incredibly hostile.
You have lost a mac port, $1,000 in donations from 5 of my buddies and I, and a realism mod compatible with mods and custom HuD's, due to your hostility towards me. It would seem most of you have your foot and in your mouths.

It's a game to you, Appli. You depend on the support of others to put up this tuff-guy facade. It's childish, immature, and the guys over at BC2 regard your barbaric tribe as people not worth conversing with.

I can't believe just how much faith you put into this sinking ship.


shaska's bff
ok you're literate, so what?

learn to ignore people like app, putting such thoughts into words is a waste of time. this game and these forums are full of asswipes and you know it. you can't ask people to be serious and mature on the internet because that's like asking me not to masturbate
Why the *dance* would I come back to this shithole, Fox? Just for the hell of it? No! I had faith in this game, and believed that perhaps my experiences would be improved this time. I was wrong. It's the same old jock-like behaviors and pretending.

Xtreme, the least thing I would accomplish with this wall of text is that I am HIGHLY tolerant of people like Appli, which just so happens to constitute the majority of said community; I would also prove that I know what I'm doing and that it is not me. It is them. They drove me away, they drove 5 of my buddies away, and now they are still driving new players away. I'm not going to waste any more time here.

They put so much foolish faith in a game that looks just like Quake.


Thats right because I totally told you to come back now didn't I.
I'm now internet mad.

...Not rly. We just feed on you.
Blatantly put, this game is going nowhere but down. The ratings, the newer games, even the older games that actually have funding, an official dev team, and a company standing behind it. The devs here work hard, but they let this go on.

I wrote this, the most well-thought out post on here.

Listen to me and take this to heart: I know what I am doing; It is you, not me; you push away new members; I am not immature. You are. In fact, I'm wasting time even replying to these "Too rong; dirrint reed" posts. That's the best you can do and it's *Lovin'*' hilarious.

It might seem as if I'm being hostile; I am indeed, but only because hostility is the only think you understand. If I don't yell a bit, you won't understand what I'm saying.

Goodbye; I wonder who will own Legions when it goes down. Lovely game, shitty community so far.

Legions deserves better than this.



Noone asked you to come back (you havnt even left).
We dont need more e-dramaqueens around here. And why did you feel the need to post about your life when you were bullied etc?
Attention seeking much?

ps. the opinion of a less-than-a-week-player is worth nothing


Legions Developer
... Just saying, its kinda hard to take you seriously with a name like "ExplosivePoop". Just sayin.

Also, haters gotta hate.

People are judged by how they act, not the resources they provide, do not complain about the "immaturity" of this forum. Rising above immaturity is what makes you mature.
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