T:A, who's playing?


test bester
Flag physics are getting a update today:
Adjusted flag throwing physics to improve throwing in specific directions.

Think this will fix that issue yeah. It is pretty weird atm yeah, I was in front of a heavy and passed it over his head while looking at him.


Legions Developer
*skid for miles without any way to stop*


New Member
Ill be playing as "OGGutta." Although I don't have an ign account, im probably going to be signing up for it here in a few.


Things I've recently said that I never thought I'd say:

1) "I was actually looking forward to *Tribes: Ass-End*."
2) "I wish this game were more like Legions."
3) "This game is more skilless than COD."
4) "There is more skill in Battlefield than there is in this game."
5) "This game makes Legions look like UT."
6) "I miss downjetting."
7) "Honestly Filt3r, if it were a choice between competitive Battlefield and competitive *Tribes: Ass-End*, I'd go with Battlefield."
8) "I would rather throw money at this game [to try alternative classes] than earn them through playing."
9) "These players are worse at shooting than the Legions community."
10) "You know, maybe BugsPray's grasp on geometry supercedes my own."

Just kidding about that last one. Infinite cylinders ftw, eh old pal?


New Member
I have to admit.

Legions effectively slew my love for the Tribes series. You guys... have no clue how hard it was for me to admit that. (First step is admitting)

Now, legion's has left a hole in my side where deployables can be .....deployed....
However, I don't even want to try Tribes : Ascend anymore. I am terrified it will kill whatever is left alive still of my #1 childhood game of choice.


Old man
rad slide show! did u use powerpoint?
I get 5-10 fps ingame and the vid was made just to show how ugly I could make the game look like by editing tribes.ini file. :( You can imagine what fraps does to me!!!!11oneoenoenoeneoneo But I'll get a better rig to test that thing out later this month. :)