You know what I like


Post the little things in life that make you happy, concepts, ideas, candies, anything really.

One big thing for me. I JUST LOVE HOW AFRAID SOME PEOPLE IN EUROPE ARE OF ISLAM. Oh dear god I sometimes see videos on Youtube seeing these retards predicting ISLAMS conquering of Europe. And then you see the comments and all these people shouting out insults and the like and oh dear god it just delights me. They are afraid of us from a continent away. We really mean no harm and those that do mean harm aren't really muslim (at least not good muslims) yet some Europeans are showing their true colors. There are some who are logical and rational and realize that Islam isn't going to harm them yet others turn into these racist bigot machines. It happens in America too. It really makes me happy the way these people are afraid of us it really does (does that make a bit crazy?).

Hoping to see everyone else's contribution.


Books. Like this one.



music, drawing, and just to comment on your OP, welcome to the way ignorant ppl feel about Christians too, they group everyone into one huge group and don't understand the differences....and you're right, it's quite entertaining, sad, but entertaining


Old man
I enjoy my cat, wife, work and co-workers who are actually my closest friends. Weird huh? I enjoy good games where everyone are aiming for the common goal. I enjoy good music, such as D-Nox, Riktam&Bansi, Zen Mechanics, Rinkadink etc. I enjoy being right pretty much all the time and then make teens rage at me for being rude or whatever. I enjoy being finnish super human, the pinnacle of human evolution and the center of the universe. Simply said, I enjoy being me.