New profile posts

Yo i forgot to metion this before but just check the dubstep site and it will show a new post sorry for the short notice
like ex: since christmas was yesterday theres going to be no practice for the whole week
Pass it to other members
We are going to have to start kicking people out of the team, no one is showing up for practice and just as you said they only have the tag on just so they could look cool and tell their friends they're on a team. were going to have to set up a mandatory meeting next week.
I agree. However, I did not say that "they only have the tag on just so they could look cool and tell their friends they're on a team." When is a good day for you next week?
ehh i forgot who said that but next week yikes i might not be on that often since im on christmas vacation and my bro's gunna be home all day, but anytime somwhere around 8-9pm est is good
Practices are tuesdays and thursday's at 7-8pm est time if you cannot show up inbox me i dontcare what the reason is just inbox me so i know your not going to be there, we have scrim with LA tomorrow at 9pm est. i will have no other choice but to start kicking people out if they dont satrt showing up.
Practices are tuesdays and thursday's 7-8pm est time if you cannot show up inbox me i dont care what the reason is as long as i know your not going to be here its fine with me we have scrim with LA tomorrow at 9pm est. i will have no other choice but to start kicking people out if they dont start showing up
Practices are being held tuesdays and thursdays 7-8pm est if you cannot show up inbox me i dont care what the reason is just tell me. you can do what ever you want as long as you inbox me we have scrim with LA tomorrow at 9pm est. if no one shows up for practice im going to start kicking people out
I might have to cancell practicfe for today it maybe tomorrow same time
hey i have a question roostertail in {DS} wants to see and maybe even use the mods you gave me and i wanted to know if that is allright with you because you know they are yours and what not.
oh yeah, give them to him :D Thanks for asking.
welcome and i found out that rooster is a she lol.