Trajectory Modifier


Here goes another weapon suggestion
Slow moving, ballistic trajectory weapon that deals only about 10% damage. It would explode on impact at any range, with blast radius about double the rocket launcher's and knockback like a pineapple/rocket combo for the full extent of the blast.
The hitch is you need to be moving over 30 to use it, and it also disables the jets of anybody it hits for 3 seconds. That ensures that base-d doesn't get OP because they have to actually be moving, stops cappers in their tracks, and means that you cant super-jump with it. The slow speed of the projectile, maybe only 10+ the player's speed, combined with the ballistic trajectory, means that it can't be used for chasing.

I'm envisioning this as a tool for stopping incoming cappers mid-map, before they can make it up to your base.
and it also disables the jets of anybody it hits for 3 seconds.
This part I suspect would be somewhat OP as it would also leave the person shot as a sitting duck (far more than a bodyblocked or OD'd capper, as they'll be stuck on the ground if they're shot at the right angle)
My suggestion would be for a complete energy drain (but immediately allow them to recharge jets), this means that if it's done in the right location it would still seriously affect their ability to re-manoeuvre and continue the original route. (however a badly done one would allow them to ski off in a different direction, but still recover.
That ensures that base-d doesn't get OP because they have to actually be moving, stops cappers in their tracks, and means that you cant super-jump with it.
I don't agree with the statement I put in Bold. In my experience, most rocket jumps are done when you are already moving at some speed, and are done for the extra height/speed boost.
Unless you can find a way to not make it OP for cappers, we can start looking at 400m/s routes on zenith.


how bout above 50 limit, and it makes you jet back and down for the next three seconds? Its not possible to reach 50 and still remain a viable body blocker, and jetting back and down kinda totally shuts down jumping.


stinky bear
It's a good idea itself but since defense already has no problem stopping, sniping, and chasing the capper... this gun is pretty much making defense even more OP. Also, any good bowl-party-er can just skii down the hill the enemy is using and shoot him. ( depends on the speed limit.)
The 30 speed limit would be no problem for an Outrider who is on LD, and be used to easily defend against oncoming cappers at base as it sounds like it could be used on the falg for a easy knockoff/knockback.
Disrupting incoming cappers while you're going to the enemy base at a fairly high speed is somewhat useful, but with the pineapples of love that were recently implemented, defense has become a lot easier, and giving another tool to disrupt capping does not sound altogether appealing (like what Rain said). Rockets are enough imo.
Would be fun to see on HO though, raping their HoF with huge explosions that knock them off their feet and following it up with a rocket + pineapple combo.
Good idea; purpose... not so much.


I think we're getting a little hung up on specifics. The point is the idea as a whole, a large splash, low damage weapon balanced towards stopping incoming cappers mid-map. How the balancing is achieved would be almost impossible to determine without testing.