something i am working on.


max 2.jpgmax.jpg hi. this is beast. some of you know me some of you don't. I, not that long ago, I got the full version of max 3DS.. I am a total noob at it but for the past few day i been trying my best to learn. and i kinda got the hang of the controls(kinda) and since i like this game so much. I been trying to work on some 3d models for legions. I know i am not a dev. or anything to be doing this but I would like to help this Team of Devs. make some progress in the game... so what i do in my free time is try to figure out something and make it in max. or maya. HERE IS ONE OF MY 3D MODELS. this could be a new flag base. it does still need more work. and i only did this in about 30 minutes. i will fix it up and make it. look good but here is a Preview about it. hope you guys like it and i know this was a lot to read. lol. cya

I guess i didn't change it much. but i did my best to make it look better and more smooth and more effective for legions. you guys tell me what you think. here is (maybe) the final 3d model of the model LOD.jpgfinal model LOD 2.jpg
This one here is example of how you can use the base. i included some (flying routes, where the flag can be placed at, and where the bots can stand at. final model LOD 2 example.jpg


thanks it means a lot coming from you guys. i will try my best to make it look better and more smooth.


Looks cool! Hope to see the completed model soon!
Right now I am away from town. only have my laptop with me. as soon as i get back. I will give it the final touches. btw as you guys know i am a noob at this i still don't know how to take those lines off and (render it?) can some one tell me how?


i am working on it right now. I will post the pictures today. i am just giving the final touches. hope you guys like it. i gave it a little more flat surfaces cuz as u can see there isn't enough space to stand at. also i made a little bit more smooth on the ramps.. hope you guys like it. i will be right bak with the pics.
EDIT: pics updated. tell me what you think and what i could of done better. remember i am still a noob at this 3ds max. :) hope you guys like it


Great job keep it up ;)
but one question is it a map or a individual base?
It's because I can't see the text that you wrote for the map/base because I'm on my phone.