Smruf, Elmo or Barney? (PLANETSIDE 2)


Most Honoured Aussie
Anyone else getting on the Bangbus?

Planetside 2 is the sequel to Planetside, a Tribes inspired MMOFPS (yeah thats right) which works. At any one time you can have upwards of 2000 people fighting on a single continent, Planetside huge and sprawling maps - at the moment each server has three continents with more to come. It's a hugely team based game, playing alone will leave you dead a lot of the time, it's extremely difficult to lone wolf and you are rewarded for playing with people on your side. But of course teamwork doesn't matter when a Zerg forms, basically a mass of hundreds and hundreds of players who swarm over the map in an unorganized fashion - joining a friendly Zerg can be a rewarding or frustrating experience, but fighting off an enemy Zerg is like nothing you've ever played before - if you've ever liked the idea of an epic last stand to the bitter end, this game is for you.

It's free to play, and I have to say that it is extremely well balenced in terms of the base weapons agains the purchasable unlocks, with the exception of vehicle weapon upgrades - those are pay to win, at least until you run into a group of six guys with the vanilla rocket launcher then you are pretty much *danced*.

I'm rolling with the Barney Battery Cult, aka the Vanu Sovereignty (VS) on Briggs, the Aussie sever. The Vanu are a bunch of Scientists and Free thinkers who have found enlightenment though alien technology and see to bring light and prosperity to the rest of mankind... at the point of a laser rifle - Basically they are a bunch of crazy technology worshiping cultists. Your other options are the Smurfs AKA New Conglomerate (NC), you're all american, freedom loving mercenaries who are really fighting for the megacorporations who fund them and fight for the bottom line more often than liberty, while the third faction is the Elmos AKA Terran Republic (TR) - The TR are a free and open democracy, or at least where - they resemble little more than a well armed authoritarian dictatorship.

Each faction has it's advantages and disadvantages, NC weapons might fire slow but they hit like motherfuckers, while TR weapons don't do as much damage they have so many goddamn bullets it won't matter, while the VS weapons fire slower and don't do as much damage they are very accurate. And we get hover tanks.

Which is what I've been doing; spend most of my time rolling around in Magriders, basically a hover tank with a nitrous injector commonly known as the "Magmower" because of it's tendency to run down enemy and friendly alike with it's swift maneuverability. I got mine decked out with an anti-infantry BFG cannon, anti-tank sniper rifle, green neon undercariege, zebra paint job and a similey face hood ornament.

If your machine can run it, I'll get on it.


Most Honoured Aussie
I love my Magmower, got to a spawning sunderer on an enemy assault of a tech plant - caution dictated I should pull back and fire at range to take down the BangBus but there was just so goddamn many elmos. I couldn't help myself, I lost my head and charged in, my gunner going "ohshi- not again" as I circled around the sundy putting HE plasma rounds into it killing the whole freaking SQUAD of engys they had repairing it, while mowing down those who where spawning and gathered around the area because our D had pinned them all down behind the rock - when it exploded I was in the middle of reloading so I didn't have time to shot down the largest cluster of survived, I hit shift, accelerated to 100km/h in the blink of an eye and bowled them over. When the red haze left my vision, I was alive if somewhat on fire and my gunner commented that my laughter sounded like somebody strangling/stabbing a dolphin.

I finished with 10 more Certs than I started with too.

* * *

I got plenty of other moments like it, attacking the crown two nights ago on Indar we just where not pushing through, I had to sleep so I thought "*dance* it" and I launched myself off a rock into the air and landed inside their vehicle bay, killed the sundy there where spawning from and kept on running around firing pot shots into the teleporters until I poked my head outside and got a gullet full of Zepher rounds from a circling Liberty - of course my sucidel action was enough to draw fire away from the road and the Barneys pushed through - of course as soon as we took the crown we lost everything else.

* * *

But by far the best fight I've had was this god awful clusterfuck/last stand that went on for hours.

It started when my Outfit began rolling around to the North of Indar in mags, we pushed all the way to the TR warpage before we saw the TR where pushing to cut us off. We retreated back to the Secure Data Lab taking out a small TR armored squad on the way (stragglers really).

Our eyes in the sky reported a huge column of armour about to roll up from the North towards Hvar from the Excavation site (via the Quartz Ridge Camp buying us some time), so we positioned ourselves above in the Narrow valley they would have to come up ready to rain hell down upon them.

Unfortunately trigger happy pubbies opened fire before they where committed and it was enough to drive them back, had they got the column halfway up they would have lost a third, maybe more to our two squads of mags, plus stragglers as they attempted to retreat. Instead they just rerouted and hit from the west where their air was coming from

That was the start of the big shitfight, around 7pm or so IIRC. Our attempt at holding the TR at the Data lab was a complete failure, we had our two squad plus pubbies against a full on armour Zerg with air superiority. We lost our mags as well as all the surrounding territory and fell back to the Hvar wall, held that for about fifteen minuets before being overrun and pushed back into the base. Another half hour of brawling around the base before being completely trapped into the main building, soon after that we lost the top floor and the enemy hacked all the AA and Anti-Tank guns and V-pads.

But we held the inside of the base, protect from vehicles by the shields and able to spawn our own their armour zerg was blunted and they swapped to infantry and it was on. Cactuz (one of our Battery Priests) must have made a mint from a perfectly placed Sundy behind the shields but near the V pad and gens, every now and again TR would make a push for the gens and be repulsed. Eventually people started spawning Mags and would roll them out, lose them, but it break an enemy push. I got about six enemies bunched up in one single shot in my first venture, but I got too excited and just kept firing until I was taken out, dumb - got a lot more frugal after that and kept the same mag for about two hours.

That went on for about two and a half, three hours - the TR just kept on coming and I fully expected to lose the base but was having too much fun holding their swarm off. Over time the VS numbers went from a broken and barely holding defense of our stubborn remaining squad plus a platoon worth of pubbies to Company strength and we stopped losing mags outside, our squad started to farm kills from enemy sundies. When the local VC reached the size of a battalion, the zerg button got pushed and *dancing* mags where everywhere, we retook the surrounding bases in less than 10 minuets and TR retreated, tails between their legs, after a three hour long siege.

To give you an idea of just how much of a shitfight there was, I started the night with TR consisting about 12% of my kills, by the time I finished they where at 47% and I had moved my K;D ratio from just over 1:1 to 2:1, and earned over 200 certs.

After losing the surrounding bases and wall so quickly I never would have expected to repulse the zerg and hold out as for as long as we did, let alone even win it.

Then a pubbie was like, "Now what do we do?"

And I saw about fifty mags on my mimimap and said went "North, head north my brothers!"

But my capslock was on, by the time I realised people started following me at the head of the column some dude said "FOR SCIENCE" and I went full retarded directing the swarm in rhetoric from the book of Kim Il Sung with just enough Goebbels to make it convincing. We hit that base in the narrow ravine with a single shield blocking our way, I requested the shields be taken down to "LET THE HOLY SWARM IN" and when they did it was hilarious, mags and lightnings and sundys piling over eachother "In the name of Science!" for a good five minuets through the front gate as the TR ran for the hills, thank f**k there where no Liberators in the air.

From there we kept pushing north, then East, then into an NC armour column then after losing my mag I noticed it was close to 12 and decided it was time to get some sleep. Dunno what happened after that.

Good Game.


Smurfin right here folks :D
Any other legion players like NC? I actually have no reason to like them, but I'm already at BR 10 or something and I'm too lazy to make another account. Though frankly BR 10 is nothing.


Barney is the shiznit.
I don't actually own this game, but I told my brother about it since he has a good enough computer and he got it. We both tried it and it's really fun. However it's his account and since he play's LoL and SC2 a lot(even though he hasn't played SC2 in months because he is letting a friend of his borrow his account since the friend "has no money" to buy his own damn game and make an account.) he probably won't play this much.
Right now on the bs character I made to try the game my BR is 3. I still don't fully understand how everything works though but I'll learn eventually.


Warrior of Linux
SC2 a lot(even though he hasn't played SC2 in months because he is letting a friend of his borrow his account since the friend "has no money" to buy his own damn game and make an account.)

Lol, SC2 was unbelievably cheap on black friday.