smoke grenades

do you think this could be a usefull feature?

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if people's huds turned off for a few seconds after being hit by one, it would be pretty amusing.

I don't know about legions players, but if you use flash (eg the persons screen goes completely white for a few secs) in CBA, people freak. Major interference, eg static and seeing 2 of everything would probably be ok. If its a nade. Emp gun with a vision effect would be broken imo.


Not really, its a smoke trail, or a deployable cloud instead of a gigantic waterfall of fire. Anyways, like I said, I don't think leaving one cloud of smoke makes any sense. If outriders had a smoke trail, that would make some more sense. They could deploy it in the base, take the flag and rabbit out and hopefully buy them some time before the chasers can buy some time. However, the carrier will then have a very easy trail to follow. The smoke grenade doesn't have very good opportunities as a defensive asset, but used correctly, it can be a fairly balanced offensive asset.
Indeed, this is quite exciting! Just sharing new ideas and whatnot ! What other things do you think we could hold or have equipped besides a smoke grenade or a health kit?


it would be useful for a prompt option that allows you to turn on/off the rain.
That would actually be cool, I posted the above thinking it would never happen, But if it was an option in the settings area it might just happen.

Thanks. :)


Smoke looks good, but it would have to be one huge butt cloud to work well with the scale of Legions. And does it have to be a particle? Can't they just display some sort of 2-d image(not sure if sprite is the right term here) that looks the same from all angles?
And I think that getting lost in smoke would be kinda hard given the speed that everybody goes, So I can't see it working well to throw off a chaser. I see it as more of a tool that conceals small, specific objects such as the flag when its off the stand (Throw one over the flag and one away from it and make them gamble) or terrain features so that enemy players can't ski well


having a 2d image in lieu of a smoke cloud would be about as effective as the foliage on moonshine. if not worse. probably worse. and I agree - it would have to be a really big cloud to obstruct anything important.
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