R.M.G.C- corporations


Private Tester

Okay the story is very long, ill cut it short: the Romanian .gov hired Gabriel Resources(mining firm) to mine the gold out of(one) the birthplaces of European history.
Search the interwebs for more information. Basically 4 montains will be destroyed and the entire region will be compromised ffs! The states profit will be arount 6% per year, a total of 30% or something of the total profit (ITS A *dancing* ROBBERY CONSIDERING THE AMMOUNT OF GOLD AND SILVER IN THOSE MONTAINS!!!)

#this is not a post in any way against Canadian folks- its about the messy corporation-state contracts and the money they want to steal from the people... please share and try to change something! BOO YOU!
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World Leader of The 21st Century
We're trying to bring you guys out of the third world. You're welcome Romania.

That sucks for real tho, I am sorry to hear that.


Say quarry left from mining is a crater impact that killed dinos. Sell rocks to stupid US tourist, make money.

SRS, sux bro. :(