Pubs, blame newbloods or elitists?

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  1. CTF pubs are for ctf pubs, we need more educated players (more tutorials),
  2. We also need communication like freeman said, that's great. ( yet i don't see even see alot of people in pubs in ts3 ).
  3. No Help button is going to scare or discourage people from wanting it.

CTF pubs are for mere enjoyment. Players are allowed to do what they want, when they want to; thats the reason you play video games, to have fun. If you want to enforce roles on new players who have no concept of ctf, you might as well should put this game on the stake now. You cannot force players to learn capture the flag, rather it is a personal choice that a player commits to.

The absence of help button doesn't scare away new players, it's the mentality of the veterans who would rather piss and moan about the atrocity of pubs rather than taking time out to help.


Private Tester
  1. CTF pubs are for ctf pubs, we need more educated players (more tutorials),
  2. We also need communication like freeman said, that's great. ( yet i don't see even see alot of people in pubs in ts3 ).
  3. No Help button is going to scare or discourage people from wanting it.
Why don't you want smart players?
You missed the point of the thread. The point is, from what I've gathered, is to say "Hey guys, the pubs wouldn't be so bad if Vets didn't stack". He wants the pubs to be improved; the problem he is trying to address is Vets' lack of willingness to keep the teams balanced.

New players want to have fun--that's what's logical to them. That's why you'll often see new players doing simple things, such as dueling or llamaing. No incentive is given to do otherwise.


Private Tester
Hyperbole on my part. And that's good - I'm sure it almost replaces the number of vets that left last week.

In all seriousness, you need only look at server populations to see the state of the community. It's a pleasant little game, especially for those of us with fond memories of its earlier iterations, but it no longer has the potential to be more.

My forecast could be wrong, of course, but with no graphical enhancements, no publicity, no decent distribution options, no profit possibilities (and thus, no motivation beyond "love of the game" and resume fodder for the developers - something which wears thin as real life catches up), no appeal to the old Tribes communities (and no, adding the odd asset won't help - there's no flood of Tribes vets restrained by the dearth of generators, turrets, and mortar spam), an unfriendly vet community, and a myriad of good games on the horizon, it's unlikely we'll see significant population growth.

I'd suggest enjoying the game for what it is: a memory-filled, fun diversion while we wait for another decent multiplayer shooter. And I'd suggest keeping that reality in mind while interacting with less-skilled players.

That's the case with just about any independent, freely-made, labor-of-love game, Nept. Yeah, Legions will never find the success of DOTA or League of Legends. It's a niche style of game on an ancient engine. And yet, I don't see any of the devs just throwing in the towel.

Your penchant for trolling and spreading disunity and discontent on the forums of a game you've freely admitted you have no love for and no interest in playing anymore is tiresome, bud. Independent game development is about passion and hope, not glass-half-empty melancholy.


^^ really tho.

I disagree with nept however, I have a never say die attitude towards the success of any tribes game. (lets not pretend it doesn't fit in that family) If I had the resources I'd want to do anything possible to get 100,200 or even 300 more active players. That would be successful and worth it to me.

There is no sense in just saying "it's ded guyz move on" that doesn't really help fix any of the issues and it just invalidates all of the hard FREE work the devs put into the game to try and get that tiny bit of success.


Private Tester
This thread got painfully off topic, so I'm locking it up. Nept, you posted a big post which was off-topic, but had some fair points. I deleted it and PM'd you the contents; feel free to start a new thread about it.
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