Player health recharge


Flatulent Cherub
but hand grenades seem a little useless in a game where you can fly away from them. Legions just seems a little too fast for grenades, unless they are stickies.

With that line of thinking, any kind of projectile would be useless for Legions. :-P

Also, hand grenades seemed to be effective enough when they were tested back on the nanunanu's.


Old man
Again, that situation would only occur if the ammo stations were down in the base, and there are always other ammo stations around, but the noobs might not know that. I know it took me two months to figure out what those boxes did. It then took me another while to figure out that they were available in the sniper towers.

This is why you seek information from forums and pay attention on servers. Ffs how many games you know takes you a walk around showing you what everything does and how they work(count out all the sp games)?

You know, I would be really mad if people would expect me to be some kind of an idiot and didn't believe I could find out things by myself. You can't underestimate people just because you don't have all the indian in a canoe. If you know what I'm saying...


Oh, I know they were tested and that they worked, but hand grenades are lobbed by hand. I guess just considering the size of the map its never made sense to me. I doubt I would use them since I usually use grenades to clear out a room by lobbing a grenade through a window or a door. It doesn't make sense to me, but I bet it still works.
Disci, I would also be offended if people fed me every piece of information on the spoon. I was just saying I never even knew that there could be ammo replenishment systems. I was glad when I found out that there was such a system, but occasionally, a hint in a loading screen or something might be good. It could just have a picture and it says "This replenishes your ammunition" or something like that. In TF2, I know the hints on the loading screens help a lot because you can learn things about the way the game works because there are things that you can either learn by accident and possibly not know how to recreate the results, or you can have a tip that may show players how they did something once, or something that they wished they had known for a while.


Next big new feature for Legions will be...Windows and Doors!
Stick to the topic of player health, unless were talking about healing grenades or grenades that heal other grenades as they heal puppies holding grenades.


Old man


What I was trying to say, and I guess I was misunderstood, is that I use grenades in situations that legions doesn't have. Thus, I personally don't see a use for hand grenades, though other players may use them effectively. I use grenades in Urban Terror to clear out rooms, and in Halo to lob in emergency situations, but with rockets, and my playing style on legions, I don't see a use for grenades. I'm certain that they are great for LO, but that's not what I play. Also, I saw the ammo boxes, but I never knew what they were there for, and I didn't see the effects of them for quite some time. I'm sorry for any misunderstanding that may have occurred, but I assure you that I have played legions. If I haven't, I wouldn't be here.
Back to health regen, though nothing has really happened in that realm of discussion since a few posts after mine. The subject got changed to suicides and then hand grenades. Some of that is my fault.
I'm still in favor of instant-use health packs available at ammo stations in tandem with segmented passive health regen, probably in thirds rather than other intervals. Health packs would obviously bring players back up through the segments, which would give health packs a little more bang for their buck, since it could heal somebody up to 34% and passive regen would take care of everything up to 66-67%


I'm still in favor of instant-use health packs available at ammo stations in tandem with segmented passive health regen, probably in thirds rather than other intervals. Health packs would obviously bring players back up through the segments, which would give health packs a little more bang for their buck, since it could heal somebody up to 34% and passive regen would take care of everything up to 66-67%

I really like your percents (not sure if that's how you say that) in this.
Now on another note, we've discussed a lot of ideas and possible solutions to balancing these new health systems, but something I'd really like to see in this thread is the other devs, incluiding Seymour that has been contributing, sharing their ideas and opinions about the systems suggested to see how they feel about them and possibly tell us the direction they'll take in this subject, or if they even have something already thought out for this part of the game.


King of all Goblins
XtremeSpeed, pot calling kettle black? Calm down, take a deep breath, and remember: Puberty isn't easy for anyone. No need to fight here, so behave, all of you. And back to topic!
[...] If you don't understand that then you really, really shouldn't be here.


so if a HoF needs health he can quicly use a pack or just go an ammo station and recover just as well, but most of the time they just suicide.
Healthpacks shouldn't be dropped on a suicide, but a death.


Com'n guys...think about it a little be more.

"Oh no, I'm about to be killed. Ctrl+K, no health kit for you."
If I remember right, there was a function making it so that kind of suicide counted as kill. That could be used for determining whether or not a kit drops. A suicide where you had not been in combat recently, or had just fragged the only opponent shooting at you, would not drop a kit. A suicide while in combat would obviously drop one.


Flatulent Cherub
If I remember right, there was a function making it so that kind of suicide counted as kill. That could be used for determining whether or not a kit drops. A suicide where you had not been in combat recently, or had just fragged the only opponent shooting at you, would not drop a kit. A suicide while in combat would obviously drop one.

I dunno, I still like the idea that health drops from teammates would heal significantly less than health drops from enemy players.
You would seem to be depicting a imbalanced 1 v everyone scenario. What is the rest of your team doing I wonder?

Besides, you do have a thing called instant OD that blocks everyone that you can basically look at. Talk about imbalanced. With the 5 second respawn, it doesn't matter if HoFs die often cause with 2 of them you can block anything that basically comes from anywhere as long as you find those brilliant jet trails.
Good point, what indeed is the rest of his team doing, WW is perhaps remembering what the Aussie servers became in the end, eg. not very many players at all, and before that, a few not very experienced players.. Hopefully we can solve both problems when it comes back, not sure what I think about your idea whale! With a 'real' team I dont mind the way it is, but it would discourage noobs milling around the base opportunistically to get the flag or make a cheap shot, that might encourage them to do some team play as a result.


I dunno, I still like the idea that health drops from teammates would heal significantly less than health drops from enemy players.
That could still work. I only say this as a way to keep players from keeping health from their enemies by suiciding when almost dead.


If there were to be health drops, I would agree with Seymour's idea that teammate health drops would do less than enemy health drops. That way, people will work harder to earn their health rather than just ctrl+k. However, opportunism could still lead to rage. I guess health dropping is one of those things that would be best decided upon after a certain amount of testing.


It may seem retarded to you, but I still think its a valid point. The only way to prove otherwise, or prove that I'm right, would be to test the system. I don't really like that idea as a standalone option, but that's not what the consensus is right now. If its used in tandem with a segmented passive regen, then it could work, but while legions flourishes on PUGs and clan games, the game also needs to work on PUBs. One thing we have to keep in mind is that this game should be able to appeal to new players. In case you don't remember, there's a steep learning curve to this game, learning how to cope with the greater movement and trying to hit small, fast targets. For the first while, its hard to get frags. New players could finally get a kill, and then need the health drop, only to have it picked up by somebody else, or they could start taking other health drops, and frustrating the more experienced players with their 'noob-ish' ways. If we want this game to get popular, it should be more accessible to newer players.
This is why I like the idea of getting a certain percentage healed from visiting an ammo reload station. There could be a time limit in place so that if you get a health pack, you have to wait for a certain amount of time before you would get another health regen. This method doesn't put too much of an advantage over either defense or offense since they have the same resources. If there was some way to make the time limit longer if you collected a health regen in the enemy base, it would put a bit of a hindrance on the LO. However, whitewhale's complaints about the LO are just complaints about the LO doing what they are supposed to do.
As another idea for a compromise, there could be segmented passive health regen, health drops and regens available at reload stations, but health drops heal more than the ammo stations.
Also, above with my remarks about enemies being hard to kill as a new player, Legions was the first shooter game I played on PC, so its possible that my experience differed greatly from other's beginning experiences.


there is nothing wrong with a broken system that n00bifies offence!
If you played the system from the LO point of view, you might see things a little differently overall. The entire point of LO is to kill the HoF to allow the capper to get through and come out with the flag unharmed. If you are lonely, I can see why you would hate the LO and the health regen system, but you're just assuming in all of your hypothetical situations that the entire rest of your team is LOing the enemy base and attempting capture. Oftentimes there are other people in the base helping out with defense, and if that isn't how you remember, then I pity you because you must have been on an exceptionally bad PUB server. If you have issues with the health regen system due to a lack of backup, then I would recommend playing on PUGs instead, since then you can bother people to help you play defense, and the overall teamwork is improved due to better communication.
I know you are also concerned for the growth of the game and you argue that people need to have an easier time defending the base on PUBs or they will rage against the entire game forever, but defense is hard, period. It gets harder when the LO does their job right, but that's because the LO exists to make defense hell. When you say broken, you are only seeing the system from one angle on one facet. Remaining in a HoF position on PUBs takes a lot of patience, and I recognize that, but if you give the system a try while playing other positions, you might find that it isn't all as bad as you make it up to be.