Perpetual Jump Bug


New Member
That's what the title says, my character seems a maniac kangaroo and starts jumping at some random point in the game without any special key combination. And it just keeps on with that tireless jumping everywhere. There is no way to stop it by normal interaction, I tried to fix it by changing the keybindings or by leaving the game, or even removing the game and installing it again.

Only one thing seems to work in order to restore the normal behavior: Exit Legions.
It's the one bug that made me register on this forum to report it. It really ruins the game (specially if there is only 1 slot left in the room...).


My jump key is the left button (my fire key is the spacebar), dunno if it has some influence on this jumping addicted character... I'm not using mods.


That's what the title says, my character seems a maniac kangaroo and starts jumping at some random point in the game without any special key combination. And it just keeps on with that tireless jumping everywhere. There is no way to stop it by normal interaction, I tried to fix it by changing the keybindings or by leaving the game, or even removing the game and installing it again.

Only one thing seems to work in order to restore the normal behavior: Exit Legions.
It's the one bug that made me register on this forum to report it. It really ruins the game (specially if there is only 1 slot left in the room...).


My jump key is the left button (my fire key is the spacebar), dunno if it has some influence on this jumping addicted character... I'm not using mods.

yeah the only fix that i know of is to restart legions...


Warrior of Linux
My jump key is the left button (my fire key is the spacebar), dunno if it has some influence on this jumping addicted character... I'm not using mods.

That's an odd setup, but try changing the jump button to something else, but nothing on the mouse. See if that stops the problem.


Warrior of Linux
And that's actually not an odd setup, many of my friends who are Mac users for some reason play FPS like that.

My point still stands with the keybinds, he may have been changing it to another mouse button, which is something that I don't want him to do.


Legions Developer
touch pads usually cause this bug, disable it or don't use it in-game. Another way to get this bug is popups and/or minimizing the game and hitting shoot or space button. This bug effects all keys, not just bunny hopping. The reason? You are cutting away from the game before the game knows any button is "depressed".


New Member
Thanks for the detailed explanation! :)
I don't minimize the game when playing (no popups with firefox :p), so I guess it's the touchpad then. :rolleyes:

The Touchpad is disrupted, attack!