

Most Honoured Aussie
I use firefox to remember unimportant passwords. Anything deemed important such as work, banking or other financial stuff uses completely different passwords to those saved for forums and *chocolate cookies*.
Why don't you try to make a method for making different passwords for different sites that only you could really figure out. Here's a little example.

First, you memorize a poem (or at the very least, know the title of a famous one so you can look it up).

Then, look at the first letter of the site you're registering for. 'L' for Legions. Find the first time this letter comes up in the poem at the start of a word (if it doesn't come up, find the first time it comes up in any word, and if that doesn't work, use the next letter of the site; it would be an 'e' in this case). long in line 3. Now, take the first 6 letters of the subsequent words. isaldo. Put them together, and this is your password (use all lowercase or all caps or whatever combination you want.


If you ever forget your password, you just figure it out. Once you get good at figuring it out, it won't take much time at all to decode your password. You'll also have different passwords for most things you do. You can also change the algorithm for your password so it will be more diverse anyway you please.
Clever and awesome. It also gives you a good excuse to keep an awesome poem around your desk if memorizing it is a hassle.


World Leader of The 21st Century
I use firefox to remember unimportant passwords. Anything deemed important such as work, banking or other financial stuff uses completely different passwords to those saved for forums and *chocolate cookies*.
That's exactly it, nail on the head


stinky bear
My method:
Pick a random word , an object in the room, important things that are 3-5 letters etc
Translate each letter into the phonetic alphabet and add symbols at a specified interval and end it with a unicode character

Random word: ran
in the phonetic alphabet, ran translates to: romeoalphanovember
Add some symbols and numbers: romeo*×*alpha╚november



World Leader of The 21st Century
My method:
Pick a random word , an object in the room, important things that are 3-5 letters etc
Translate each letter into the phonetic alphabet and add symbols at a specified interval and end it with a unicode character

Random word: ran
in the phonetic alphabet, ran translates to: romeoalphanovember
Add some symbols and numbers: romeo*×*alpha╚november



King of all Goblins
The most recent xkcd: