New Game - MIDAIR


New Member
what the *dance* are you saying

support their project you little *chocolate cookies*

We've only seen maybe a few reviews of the game, and you want this thread to be a circlejerk about how good the game is going to be? Quite healthy to have skepticism, and I don't think their skepticism is going irrational here.

For those in charge of Project Z

Makes no sense not to have gameplay footage to back up the reviews. If it's ready enough to be shown at PAX for demos, it's good enough to be shown here. Better to show the community how the game is coming along and include us in, instead of not showing anything because you assume that we're idiots who doesn't realize it's not ready yet.


Legions Developer
Hey everyone, we haven't forgotten about you. It's one thing to run a demo for a small subset of players and another to release our media to the world (because that's where it is, it isn't just here). You can expect something soon but we want it to look real good for you all. :)


Test Lead
As for inheritance, yes, some of the weapons in Legions have 100% inheritance. Rockets in Legions use 100% forward inheritance and 25% side inheritance. But not every weapon is the same, so whether or not every weapon in Z will have 50% inheritance is unknown at this point. To the curious, navigate to live\server\game\dataBlocks\weapons to check each weapon's inheritance value (under //velocity. 1.0=100)

Ring and grenade launchers are flat 50%, chaingun is 100%. It's a concession for dueling's sake. I suppose we can test other ones but I don't expect any of them to be better than a flat inheritance multiplier.

(ring = rocket/disclauncher, essentially)

Regarding $$$: "They will be either doing a Kickstarter or looking for a publisher."


I'd love to see kickstarter for funding, then a pay once model... like games should have stayed. Start it around late jan.. Tax time, i'd drop 1k quickly. I've seen shittier ideas get well over projected funds and offering the "community" something would be a good thing.

2k for a locke of mabels hair.


Flatulent Cherub


Warrior of Linux
*dance*! Stop making any more Tribes games. I can't risk my life any further in case it's well done game. According to hc tribers who attended PAX, it does have Tribes "feel" when playing it. That's a lot to say from these cynic fellas.

You got yourself a new follower, Archetype guys. :)

You know something good is happening when even the Finnish Disci shows up and is positive about the game.


Old man
Hey, mr. Gore. It's been a while since you saw me naked the last time. Things have changed. I look like I'm 20 now. Beard almost grows on my cheeks and I can't name all the black chest hair I got now. Was easier when I had only 5 of them growing.


Flatulent Cherub
It's good to hear your body hair's coming in. At first Seymour used to fight it, frequently shaving his shoulders and back (but not the chest, a hairy chest is a source of pride for Canadians), but now - everything's thick and furry.