Little suggestions


Private Tester
It's a very little thing, but I think it might a few things in-game. My suggestion involves the flag, when its on the ground, you can shoot it(therefore it moves). Now why not try to make the flag be shoot-able in the air as well?
Think about it: enemy got your flag and tries to pass it, then all the sudden someone MA's the flag!

Other suggestion that i have it to make more "FLOOD PROTECTION" (spam timeout) messages! This one is more for fun, but it can also make the little spamming newcomers shut up.


Legions Developer
So you see yourself MAing a falg that's in the middle of the map high up? The falg will be travelling very fast.


Private Tester
So you see yourself MAing a falg that's in the middle of the map high up? The falg will be travelling very fast.
Well, nobody said that it will be easy, but being able to aim a flag in the air is worth a shot, it would be cool. Also, the action involved will be even better, freedom of movement even with the flag!


I like your suggestion, not that I think I'll be able to do it since I can barely MA right now but other people can find this useful.
Now something I'd like to see as well is being able to destroy enemy rockets, same deal with it being difficult as hell but still doable.


This was on a few peoples' wishlists but was determined to be a crappy idea. You want to be able to shoot the flag towards you on the ground which means you want to shoot *through* the flag to hit the surface on the other side. This is the established behaviour and changing this would be a pain.

This means we would have to introduce a huge special case where the flag doesn't accept projectile collisions when on the ground but does when it's in the air. Inconsistencies are bad, so the idea was scrapped.


Thats why i loved the old Rocketlauncher specialist. With the exploding rockets you could shot the flag out of its flight path. Was hard ofc. but very frustrating to the guys who wanted to pass the flag. :p