lff/ hand grenade update


New Member
i know im late but i havent played legions in a couple of weeks and now that i have downloaded the update once i close legions it seems as though it doesnt save that i have downloaded the update or something so it does the update every time i open the launcher


it re downloads every time you mean? or does it verify install every time, b/c the verify is normal, but that's never happened to me with it re downloading every time....just only when there's an update


What I would do is delete the whole Legions:Overdrive folder and re-download it. Then once it says 'PLAY!' I would click 'UPDATE' just to make sure things arent missing. (To be sure).

Please don't make a new thread about it, just creates more clutter :)


New Member
When you download legions it usually makes an Live folder but i cannot find mine once i download legions everytime i want to play. can someone PLEASE help me fix this. the launcher updates and does everything it is supposed to do but no LIVE folder is made


Legions Developer
The live folder should be created win the same spot the launcher exe is located. Extract the zip file, put the launcher exe in some folder you would like it to install in, and then run the launcher. You should see the live folder created as soon as you begin downloading the game in the launcher and you can look for the folder while it finishes downloading.