Launcher idea



I know the game is still in beta but i think it'l be good to have the user login on one program instead of two. Ino we are not minecraft but here's an example

well minecraft launcher have a nice design i would love the L:O launcher to looks like it

not like this :p

Crappy Launcher.png

Crappy Launcher (2).png



The first window is the launcher. The second is a patcher.
I like your idea, maybe a "Remember me" button too. I hate typing in my super long password everytime.


i hate it when you have to login and then have the update program after.


I'm assuming that you're referring to the accounts website being separate from the launcher? If so then the accounts site will keep your login session for 2 weeks, or longer if you keep coming back to it within the 2 weeks.
I'm assuming that you're referring to the accounts website being separate from the launcher? If so then the accounts site will keep your login session for 2 weeks, or longer if you keep coming back to it within the 2 weeks.

i think he means that every time you launch the L:O program, you have to "authenticate/connect" to the Auth server or w/e it is by putting in your password EVERY TIME. i dont particularily mind this, but it would help if it would save my password upon every launch so i can play faster :D


In that case:


Having to decipher posts from people who supposedly speak English as their first language isn't fun.
yeah, i would like the Patcher + log-in screen to be on the same window.

maybe when patching, you cant log in? or if already logged in, you cant play, but have to wait for the update to finish ;3


i know, they need to fix it some day

not really... whats the point of having something like a launcher fullscreen? take it off fullscreen and all will be fine.

a "remember password" as well as having the patcher and the login as one window would be nice, but in the grand scheme of things it isnt needed.


King of all Goblins
You guys do realize that you do not have to be logged in on the website to play, right? Just open the launcher and you're done.


You guys do realize that you do not have to be logged in on the website to play, right? Just open the launcher and you're done.

I think what Stubbsy meant was if it is possible to bring the log-in window and patcher window together.
If you understand me that is..
not really... whats the point of having something like a launcher fullscreen? take it off fullscreen and all will be fine.

a "remember password" as well as having the patcher and the login as one window would be nice, but in the grand scheme of things it isnt needed.
i meant fixing the maximization issue, if you noticed they removed the maximize button from the launcher but didn't remove the functionality of maximizing it by double clicking the title bar