Kill Popup


Private Tester
I am thinking of going with a mostly hudless setup soon for a cleaner look for future movies. I will probably only leave a very simple health, energy, and possibly clock at the top, the reticle in the center, and get rid of everything else. The only problem with this, is i would still like to show how far MAs are and who was killed.

In tribes, most movie configs used a simple kill popup script that would display for a short period of time after a kill. I would like for the same sort of popup for leejunz, only have it show slightly more info. Whenever you got an MA it would show the distance (basically what is yellow in the chat) and when you got a kill it would show who you killed with what weapon and if it is an MA it would show the distance as well (yellow chat). It might also be neat to have it pop up your speed when you grab the flag as it does in chat. the basic idea is to change the 5 line chat hud with all the clutter of other peoples kills and chat into a popup chat that only displays what you do. Is this possible and if so, could someone work with me to get it done (i know dick about the coding, but i know what events i want displayed and how they should look). Thanks!
I believe it should be possible. I'll look into it if you like?

Edit: It definitely is possible. What needs to be done is appropriate callback functions need to be added for the kill message and midair message.
From there the variables that are sent with that message can be used to print on the middle of the screen.

Only slight hitch, is I have no idea what the 2 message names are, or the variables that come with them. Yet.
I'll look into it, in the morning. It's 1:30 in the morning :p

Edit2: Probably final update of night. I think I've found the messages and hopefully, the variables too. will see in the morning.


I sure can't do anything about the code.
But hows this for a simple hud.

I tried to eliminate as much space as possible while still keeping a look.
I've tested everything and it feels more roomy. :)

I am currently working on the weapon silhouettes located in "weaponIcons". They will be very transparent, and a tad wee smaller. 7/9/11: I have completed the HUD.

EDIT: I can't really have a preview of the HUD because the resolution of my screen capture brings the quality down too much. I will preview the health bars though.


I am thinking of going with a mostly hudless setup soon for a cleaner look for future movies. I will probably only leave a very simple health, energy, and possibly clock at the top, the reticle in the center, and get rid of everything else. The only problem with this, is i would still like to show how far MAs are and who was killed.

In tribes, most movie configs used a simple kill popup script that would display for a short period of time after a kill. I would like for the same sort of popup for leejunz, only have it show slightly more info.
In tribes, most people use Demo Cam functions in their movies so that they can have their HUD in all it's glory while playing but hide it when using demo playback.

*cough* Demo Cam devs, Demo Cam! *cough cough*