I need to get better


Having played this game before, as well as some other FPSs I am quite aware that just playing around in pubs can really only get you so far, and that having settings comfortable for yourself is only half the battle.

But still, having been away for a while, what is everyone using? What are some good simple rets that allow for good aim and sight? (Has anyone made a transparent red dot set yet?) What settings are people using? I can't seem to find a suitable mouse speed. How do I get involved in pugs so that I can actually see some organized competitive play? Are people still making route videos?

I guess I'm just trying to catch up on strategy and such as best I can. I have been reading and searching through the forums for answers but it would be nice to get some straight answers or something along those lines. I remember there were some "guides" constructed for players on the IA forums.

Any advice or just being pointed in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Help in-game is great as well.

Peace and thanks for your time


Warrior of Linux
Yeah, ask some more experienced players for some cap routes as well, many would happily show you - especially seeing as you're a nice, polite guy.


TBH I actually got good in LOD pubs, then transfered my games to PUGs, but what really helped me most was that I played on a decent computer now (crappy macbook with 20fps on IA), and have some decent reticles! All the advice I can offer, and oh yeah, watch videos about leejunz on youtube.



regarding mouse speed, its almost impossible to compare due to different mouses having different sensitivities.

as for rets, http://forums.legionsoverdrive.com/threads/unofficial-mod-thread.545/

you will just need to find ones that you like, some people play with just dots, others with no reticles at all. at the moment i am using petrified's Finncamo rets, but its all a matter of preference.

for videos (routes, skill videos, ect) http://forums.legionsoverdrive.com/threads/legions-capping-skill-and-other-videos.703/

good luck!


Private Tester
duel. Any CTF position you play will benefit from good dueling skills. Yes, even capper.

Mouse speed: I run 90 ingame and 3200dpi on my G9x. Maxed windows sensitivity, no acceleration. Most (if not all) Omni players run high sensitivity. This gives you better SA (can spin around quick to see where the enemy is), and quicker aiming capabilities. It'll take time to get used to it, but it's well worth it if you do so. Best bet is to turn in higher than you'd like, get used to it, then turn it down a touch.

If you cannot adjust your mouses sensitivity, well, do the best you can with ingame sensitivity. Good way to compare sensitivity is how many cm it takes to do a 180. I think mine is 180 in 1cm or so.

Cap routes: Those are just repetition. Have someone show you, basically just recreate what they do. Takes a few min to learn.


Before you go ahead, and jump into practicing random things, you might want to explore what the game has in store for you. It's always a good thing to start with one position in a CTF game and try and get better at that. As you keep playing that certain position, the limitations and needs of that particular position will reveal themselves to you. Then, you may make threads, asking about how you can better, rather than generally asking people, how to get better. Here are the basic 6 positions you can take in a CTF game: (To others reading this post: This is my own interpretation of the positions one can take in a CTF game. If you have different names for any of the positions I mentioned, that is your own, and not precise/official/whatever. Therefore, there is no reason to try and say that the positions I have listed are incorrect)

Heavy on Flag(HoF)
Light Offense(LO)
Light Defense(LD)
Base Defense/Stay at Home(SaH)
Heavy Offense(HO)

Both Offense and Defense, have their own variations. The most basic being heavy and light, which depends on the class you choose. Once you decide with the class and position you wish to take, don't deviate. Some positions will seem harder than the others, but you'll soon find ways to get around weaknesses you posses in a certain position.

Remember, only aim, gets you nowhere in this game, character movement and control, are just as important. Go try out a few cap routes, on smooth surfaced maps. Capping will teach you a lot about energy conservation, and health awareness. You will also be able to learn how overdrive works, and how to use it efficiently.

Going Offense is a natural reaction to any gamer, who has played Legions. Try staying on Defense, keep an eye out for your Capper, and his status(his health, and the enemies behind him). Clear enemies in your base before your Capper gets home. Things like these, you will learn automatically, as you practice the position you've chosen. Playing as a HoF, will get you a lot of attention from both enemies and allies. You will be expected to pass well, live longer, and be effective at defense. Therefore I do not recommend it, as a starter position.

Practice like this, and you'll get good in no time. Good luck.

Edit: My in-game name is 57th-Maxter. If you ever find me, feel free to approach, and I will do my best to help you to get better.


Awesome, thank you very much. I used to HoF a little before, always been more of a defenseive player, I do like HoFing and think I will keep trying to better myself at that again. ign: GoodJobDino


Old man
To become a better defender you need to learn how to cap/LO. To become a better capper/LO you need to learn how to play StayD/HoF/Chaser.