Highest CTF Score


Private Tester
I was told Mabel once hAd over 1700.
Bacically he's one of the best all around players in legions


Private Tester
As long as you help your team out as much as you can they dont matter...
Me personally id rather have it show kills, deaths, caps, returns,,... etc. not the points.... and yes i have that mod so dont try to show me it. im just saying for the game in general


are you trying to say that points don't matter in a thread all about getting large amounts of points?

and the majority of us know that this is a team game, and points aren't the most important thing, especially since one player can't really carry an entire team in CTF


Warrior of Linux
Points don't matter, but they are a referring to how well you are playing, so crap score (But high team cap score) != You are a fantastic player.




Points = Absolutely meaningless. I get about 300 points in a game but I play more effectively and get picked ahead of those with 600+ in PuGs.

But it's good to have a thread like this though :)


shaska's bff
The score represents how MUCH you do, not how WELL you do.
At least thats my theory.

It's not even that. Let's say you're capping and you pass the flag to stay-d once you get home. If by the end of the game the hof has made 7/8 caps, by no means does that mean he's done more than you.
Points can matter on what you are doing. If you aren't point whoring then all to you, but besides point whoring, points actually matter what you are doing.

So no they are not all "useless"
actually points in pugs are useless, you need to understand that all of you
you get points depending on your position if you get more than normal in that position you know you're doing well