Harmony - Another Legions movie


While I might get dubbed as Europe's lousy wanna-be-phana (as if I wasn't already), I'll shamelessly copy his thread title on my own.. I would have posted to "Legions capping, skill and other videos" but Disci seems to be too busy at the moment to keep it up to date.

Anyways, for all those who are interested (= stefy & A2) new Legions video is up and running on YouTube, carrying title "Harmony" (such a nice title for a video where people get shot down, don't you agree?). Little experimental with music style & special effects this time, to me it felt little different than most videos I've done so far and hopefully even those who are sick of my video editing hobby (= 98% of the community) would give this video a chance.

Let me know how it turned out:

Edit: I decided to do some minor tweaking based on A2's suggestion, opening titles should blend in little better now.


Amazing stuff MJ.

I dun really know why you mentioned my name there :p But yeah, you didn't really go into excess of editing, everything was perfect, the music synced very well, and the content was awesomeness. I thought the text could'a blended in a bit more better but that's nothing, because the rest of the video blew it away! Hope to see more in the future.


Private Tester
I enjoyed it a lot, its got action and professional gaming movement, not to mention the video quality and the nice sound-track! An other great video by MJ(Mid-Air Journalist).


wow my mouse sensitivity must be crazy high compared to yours haha! i like the movie, good job

edit: oh yeah when it switches to color is my fav part!


Amazing stuff MJ.

I dun really know why you mentioned my name there :p But yeah, you didn't really go into excess of editing, everything was perfect, the music synced very well, and the content was awesomeness. I thought the text could'a blended in a bit more better but that's nothing, because the rest of the video blew it away! Hope to see more in the future.

I mentioned you and stefy because I knew you'd both show up (and whaddaya know, I was right!), I was little doubtful how people would react to minute long intro & lots of slow-mo's but I'm glad to hear atleast you liked it :)
As for editing, sometimes it's better to experiment on your own and go with instinct rather than making safe and bland choices. I've wanted to try out still pictures for some time and the song had silent pauses here and there so I went ahead and tried how they worked out.
I didn't pay much attention to font color & type, I just picked the one that had Legions stylish color scheme and settled for that :p

wow my mouse sensitivity must be crazy high compared to yours haha! i like the movie, good job

edit: oh yeah when it switches to color is my fav part!

I used plenty of slow-mo's so don't be fooled, my mouse sens is rather high (but it really depends on what mouse you use) but slow-mo effects might leave an impression that I'm using fairly low mouse sensitivy.


i watched it and then i got a 308 meter chase RL ma. i think your video could be good luck :D
I did enjoy the music, and the greyscale coloring was used very effectively in this film! I didn't watch this before I placed the CC on Vybez's, if you were thinking I did. ;)