Get sh** straight

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I just want y'all to get one thing straight. I HAVE TWO BROTHERS WHO ALSO PLAY LEGIONS AND ARE ABOVE AVERAGE!!! aTRUE and nitro559 are both my brothers who 90% of the time smurf and troll. When they do play legions, they'll be most likely using MY computer , therefore have the same ping as I do. They only play legions when they are at my house. Well more nitro559, it keeps him busy from fighting.
aTRUE= smurfs as thunda, Strike, and Sousa
nitro559 - SigmaNu, Teknoglogy, Sensei, Tiempo
Ive only smurfed as Global, Tien


Private Tester
So let me get ths straight: you say you have a twin brother who trolls legions while you're the angel who never smurfs and acts like a jerk... You sir made my day!

But now really! Shame on your brother! He should take your example ;)


He never said he didn't smurf....
Also, I'm insane.

And like Fissurez said, since they're on your PC a ban for one is a ban for all. A single ban will deprive a family of Legions, oh what a shame.


Private Tester
Get them in line mate or your IP will be marked. Also aTrue is a really funny guy (without actually being mean which takes talent). I like him. Great sense of humor.


Seriously , this was bugging the *chocolate cookies* out of me. I mean forreals, the person who I think makes me look more insane is BlackHawk. He thinks every *dancing* smurf is me. OFF MY NUTS BLACKHAWK. Im usually in ts3 while i smurf. I mean, you guys can tell how different we are. Nitro = pisses ppl off , trolls and thinks noone is better than him. Atrue= just chills, makes jokes here and there, but usually quiet. Im just talking all game and my black side comes out here and there. BTW i cant get them in line. Well only atrue, not nitro. Nitro has practiced muy thai for 8 years and has the body of kimbo slice. Benches 355 and curls 85 lbs and hes only 18. I mean, he has calmed down after we had a talk with him, but im scared knowing he will snapp on me lol


Nitro = pisses ppl off , trolls and thinks noone is better than him. BTW i cant get them in line. Well only atrue, not nitro. Nitro has practiced muy thai for 8 years and has the body of kimbo slice. Benches 355 and curls 85 lbs and hes only 18. I mean, he has calmed down after we had a talk with him, but im scared knowing he will snapp on me lol

enjoy your ban then :) hope he doesn't kick your computer into a wall when he realises he can't play anymore.


its up to you guys to believe me
One more thing. WHO THE *dance* IS STEFFYGRAFF AND 7 FISSUREZ?!?! its like they up in my *chocolate cookies*
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