Forum Suggy


Private Tester
This... is my BANHAMMER.

Hehe. Welcome to the forums, bud, bright though they may be. Yeah, a darker skin might be nice, but there's something clean about the brightness that I've grown fond of, personally. So many gaming forums go the dark route, it can be a tad tiresome.

How about this: Who here would like to see the forums switch to a darker theme (or at least have that option be available, if multiple skins are supported, and I honestly don't know if they are), and who's happy with the default skin? It represents time working on the forums that you could argue may be better spent elsewhere, so getting an idea of the community's feelings on the matter seems prudent!


Who here would like to see the forums switch to a darker theme (or at least have that option be available, if multiple skins are supported, and I honestly don't know if they are), and who's happy with the default skin?

I like the default look + I'd love to see more themes. =)
NO. We are NOT getting into that here. I swear, I'm deleting any Puddi posts from this point forwards. SCREW that pudding. =)

I can't unsee that can I?

Anyways. Most forums do have multiple skins but I thought they weren't able to change based on the user, I always thought the forums theme would have to be the same for everyone.


I wasn't trying to open any can of anything, im just saying i've got one good eye and i have to strain it to read these bright forums. Have some heart for the visually impaired :)


Xenforo supports user defined theme selection, all that would need done is a quick header addition for the L:OD nav and boom. Then my eyeballs wont burn like hellfire.