End to my gaming? ~Gaming withdrawal thread


As some of you might know my PC is broken for over a month already. Today I learned that I can only get it fixed by May for free or pay a rather silly amount of money to get a new motherboard.

Some of you might also know that this year I'm graduating from high school and going on a university in the UK. I'm graduating in May, just before I get my PC working. After my graduation... well I'll be a free man for a couple of months so I dunno how much time will I spend on gaming before I move to the UK. After I move to the UK... completely no idea whether I'll return to gaming.

So basically I can call this the probable beginning of the end to any sort of serious gaming done by me. I might just quit it, though I don't imagine what will I do during the evenings...

Now, this doesn't mean that I won't touch any games in the future (oh no :D). This also doesn't mean that I'm dropping out of any communities I'm a part of (at least any time soon). What this means is that I won't play anything regularly, but when I'll get a chance to play something I'll make a nice surprise to my friends with my skill level.

And it's all only a maybe, but I do have consider this possibility. What is certain is that I won't get any big gaming done for at least 2 more months. Here comes the other part of this thread:

Ask me anything you like regarding a sudden and complete gaming withdrawal. Just to start this off I'll say that the day my computer broke I ended up having a photo-session for my cat that ended up on Facebook :3. Also: how would you manage without any games for a month? How about a year? Think about all this free time you have at home (and the limited number of movies to watch...).

It's not easy to simply stop...


Old man
Fire isn't quitting!! ;D Just a coincidence that I found this out on the same day he had a little ragequit

Good that there are some neat updates coming up soonish! Enjoy your uni time in the UK!

Actually, I really do hope you enjoy the time you spend there. Quit Legions and quit everything related to gaming. Check out girls and and get a nice education. Drink lots of booze and party a lot.


Motherboards are like $100-whatever you want to spend. Don't you have some money tucked away some where? (if its a laptop your screwed, if it's a tower its will be easy and i can walk you through it)


Motherboards are like $100-whatever you want to spend. Don't you have some money tucked away some where? (if its a laptop your screwed, if it's a tower its will be easy and i can walk you through it)
Nah my parents are strict with my allowance. They also don't want me to be distracted from studying for my final HS exams (IB) so I'm only getting it all fixed after my graduation ;/

I'm the #1 Euro player though.
Damn... well nice to meet you I'm the #1 South African player. Ask anyone.


lol I know lots of people moving to UK to study at uni, seems silly with the mega cost now (courses cost 9k per year next year from the 3k atm)

where are you going?


lol I know lots of people moving to UK to study at uni, seems silly with the mega cost now (courses cost 9k per year next year from the 3k atm)

where are you going?

I really really hope I'll get into Edinburgh and pay nothing for my uni (the Scottish government pays for EU and scottish applicants) but I must pass my exams pretty well to get in. Already got an offer from them. If that doesnt work out then I still have York, Sheffield, Newcastle and Birmingham left as my other choices, but I really don't want to end up in any of those places. Edinburgh is so much nicer.


lol yeah I thought about going there because its a cool uni and my brother moved to scotland and lives right outside that uni

but requires high and im too lazy

going to lancaster instead