Lead Developer
After 3 weeks from today anyone will be able to submit one map for voting as long as it follows the rules below. The map with the most votes after 1 week will be added to the game. There will be more rounds further down the road , maps that lose will be allowed to be resubmitted as long as they are refined.
Its okay to start threads making your early versions available for your map before voting starts.
Complete Editor Instructions
-The main thing , you must create all the content for your map or use any existing Legions assets. Textures can be sourced from the web but need to be manipulated to suit your needs.
-Any game mode is allowed.
-Custom scripts are ok but will be examined by the devs if you win and you might be asked to rework them.
-A team of people working on a map is ok.
-Can only submit one map
-If there are 5 decent(at the devs discretion) entries the top two will be added instead
-Maps from previous rounds can be resubmitted as long as they have been significantly revised.
Submissions will begin on 8/26/2013
Voting will begin on 9/2/2013
Complete Editor Instructions
Its okay to start threads making your early versions available for your map before voting starts.
Complete Editor Instructions
-The main thing , you must create all the content for your map or use any existing Legions assets. Textures can be sourced from the web but need to be manipulated to suit your needs.
-Any game mode is allowed.
-Custom scripts are ok but will be examined by the devs if you win and you might be asked to rework them.
-A team of people working on a map is ok.
-Can only submit one map
-If there are 5 decent(at the devs discretion) entries the top two will be added instead
-Maps from previous rounds can be resubmitted as long as they have been significantly revised.
Submissions will begin on 8/26/2013
Voting will begin on 9/2/2013
Complete Editor Instructions