Ceasing most of my involvement with the legions community.

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Warrior of Linux
Why you might ask?

Because I am sick of the Euro community. Quite simply put, after being involved with a number of IRC kick wars (Which I admit some of which were my fault - but not all!) The (Euro) community has started to be increasingly hostile towards me.

I have helped numerous people and projects while people continue to insult me about not doing something. The #legions.pickup bot is a good example of where I have helped the community, but after continuous slagging off about how it sucks, and how I am not able to keep it running it 24/7, I decided to take it down. Evidently people don't want pickups nowadays, or rather, not in any organised fashion when done by someone they don't like.

I even helped a guy in #legions.info install the game the other day, but yesterday I saw him and he joined in with the griefers. What am I to do in this situation? I started to ignore everyone who insults me. While this has stopped a few minor griefers, the diehards still continue to insult me and my gameplay ideas. That is why in this thread, I want to disable the chatbox permanently.

The people insulting my gameplay hurts me the most, mainly when I continue to beat them again and again with my gameplay. The insults continue. Relentlessly.

But its the people that I helped out today who I showed cap routes to and helped improve their flag passing who are the ones that will be missing out on a wealth of information.

I will no longer be idling in any legions related IRC channels. If you wish to find me, I shall be in #tribesascend. I will also continue to be on ts3 playing pickups, and continue to be part of 57th Euro division.

Why am I not leaving completely is because I love this game. It is truly awesome and has so much potential, and kudos to you devs for bringing it back to us. But some do evidently not deserve it.

Post any farewells in here, as I will not be speaking to most of you ever again. WHAT I DON'T WANT TO SEE, is people flaming this thread.

Peace Out.


Imo, you should learn to have a thick skin on the internet. It's your decision to back away, and I respect that. Since the point of this thread is for me to say goodbye, and not to console, convince, or contradict you, I shall do just that.





The best thing to do, move to the u.s.a

But in all seriousness, ignore the trolls, you're a good player, and don't let anyone take your confidence away.

I agree. The community can be hostile quite frequently, but will these people make a huge difference in your life? No. Does it create an unnecessary problem in your life? Without a doubt. I hope you change your mind. Your mods were just awesome, and you actually are really good! I'm sure nearly all of us will miss us. You were a staple in the IA Legions, IMO. Hope you change your mind, buddy. ;) If you are firm in the belief that you're never coming back, well, bye. It was nice knowing you. :)

Edit: 1+ for you, Arma. :D


Flatulent Cherub
Phew, for a second there, I thought Fireblasto was leaving due to all the bullying I do to him in #57th!

With that said, the guy's been helpful in #Legions.info, usually I'll come home from a long day at work and it's been Fireblasto who's been trying to troubleshoot people's issues in #Legions.info, so it's frustrating to hear that some of these same people later grief Mr. Fireblasto!

It's good to hear that you'll still be sticking around (even though it's in a more limited form). Hopefully once the game's more complete and we begin advertising it, more people will join the community and there'll be more euro people for you to 'mesh' with.

In the meantime, we can still idle in #57th together and mock Stilgar over his age.


shaska's bff
I like how you think the euro community is made up of Dobby and Syn. At least you've made promise to stop arguing, smart move. Best of luck in keeping that promise! See you in-game ;)


Why you might ask?

Because I am sick of the Euro community. Quite simply put, after being involved with a number of IRC kick wars (Which I admit some of which were my fault - but not all!) The (Euro) community has started to be increasingly hostile towards me.

I get that feeling occasionally, admittedly my moaning could have something to do with it... which is usually caused by having to play 5th match in a row with stupidly stacked teams (or rather playing on team where 50% of your teammates are either dueling each others or llamaing), but I won't delve further into that.

I even helped a guy in #legions.info install the game the other day, but yesterday I saw him and he joined in with the griefers. What am I to do in this situation? I started to ignore everyone who insults me. While this has stopped a few minor griefers, the diehards still continue to insult me and my gameplay ideas. That is why in this thread, I want to disable the chatbox permanently.

The people insulting my gameplay hurts me the most, mainly when I continue to beat them again and again with my gameplay. The insults continue. Relentlessly.

"Haters gonna hate".
I still don't understand why some people loathe you or your helpful attitude (then again it might tell a thing or two about how far community has sunk), of all the people I've seen on Pubs you're one of the more pleasant chaps.

But its the people that I helped out today who I showed cap routes to and helped improve their flag passing who are the ones that will be missing out on a wealth of information.

And this is one good reason why players should be allowed to host games (I know I know, it takes more bandwidth and cranks up server expenses yada yada...).

Why am I not leaving completely is because I love this game. It is truly awesome and has so much potential, and kudos to you devs for bringing it back to us. But some do evidently not deserve it.

Do same as me and play Legions 1 hour/week, you'll get whole lot more fun out of it. And make new smurf each week to avoid insults, Mabel will also be pleased to see sudden revenue of "new players" :)

Post any farewells in here, as I will not be speaking to most of you ever again. WHAT I DON'T WANT TO SEE, is people flaming this thread.

Been fun playing with you, don't know wheter some folks have cactus up their anus or are they picking on Fireblasto for fun.. regardless, I just got another reason why not to play Legions.


this is a shame, but on the bright side it's good to hear you're not bagging everything completely. I respect your decision and can feel for you b/c of other reasons... so Fire, I hope your future experiences just having fun playing the game are better :) take care and maybe i'll see you around


Old man
You may have not started everything or actually you did. I suggest you take a good look in the mirror and think it over again. I can't say that I saw everything, but getting banned from your clans IRC channel many many times due the bad behavior ie kicking and banning other members + spamming the channel after you've told to stop(power tripping in #legions.pickup didn't help at all either). Griefing that would've caused lifetime ban from #legions and you think this is not your fault?

You might have helped people out in #legions.info, but why things went so bad for you is originaly just how bad you behaved towards people who you now call "euro community". I wish good luck to you and I wish I still see you on the server sometimes. It's good to keep a break from Legions IRC channels for a while and let things calm down a bit. Just hoping that you would have the balls to say you're sorry instead of blaming others. You're a good dude but I wish you would hold back sometimes and stop and listen what others has to say to you.


God how I love the replys to the OP in here. Do you people have any idea what Fire is talking about and what made him to make this decicion? There are always two sides to every coin, you know?


I feel for you Fireblasto. People who, without reason, insult people in-game or over the internet are at the bottom of the human intellectual gene-pool. They feel threatened, whether consciously or sub-consciously, by people with great skill or intelligence. They'll react from the R-complex(Reptilian), the old mammalian part of the brain with the usual un-intelligent, useless garbage in an attempt to keep their inflated ego intact. They care only for their ego's survival. They are generic, out-dated humans desperately clinging onto their animalistic past.

This is not the time or place for your nonsense.


On the one hand nobody said anything bad about that what you did for the legions community in common like helping other ppl or trying to set up a pick-up bot, which's problem was not your fault in my opinion, it was just that the bot wasn't ready yet, or your help in detail for our clan for example like helping with setting up IRC channel and telling me some good ideas how we could do some things better in scrims etc.

On the other hand I have to say that if there were any problems between members in our clan you were always a part of it. Maybe it's only me, but I have the feeling that you are someone who easy becomes provoked and also that you often don't understand that you are hurting ppl with that what you say or how you act. In my opinion you have to learn that you are not the only human in the world. What I still don't understand is why you still search for the faults which others maybe did and not asking yourself why you are in this for you a bit difficult situation.

I am not saying this all to hurt you, I am saying this to give you some advices. If these advices are good or bad and if you want to think about that or not is up to you for sure. As I believe that everyone should get a second chance (and maybe a third, fourth or fitht chance, too ;) ) I am sure that nearly everyone would agree with me that you should get another chance. I would be happy if you take this chance because I still believe that you are a one of the good side of the euros and not one of the very small other side.

Anyway, I wish you the best luck for your future.

Also: "evidently ppl don't want pickups nowadays" I guess you're talking about me, and I am btw not the whole European community. Just for claryfication: I just said that pickups which are setted on Mons, Tues, Wedns or Thirs usually don't work in Europe which doesn't mean that me or anyone else is against euro PUGs in common. The reason why me for example prefer(d) US to EU pugs is that the EU pugs became more and more to pubs, in other words they weren't something special like the eu pugs were in the past. As they are since a few weeks only on weekends again the really high level of fun and skill in pugs is back. Daily pugs don't work in europe!


Man the euro community is collapsing without me :D


Peace Out.

I understand your pain. All I have to say is: good choice. Don't sacrifice your free time to make the game more enjoyable for others if they don't do the same to you in any way.

I have to say, playing a game with a large and 'consciously' responsive (be it a negative or a positive response) community is something hard to find nowadays and is what makes Legions unique for me. But I learned, quite painfully, that you have to know your people and your ways around arguments. IMO idling in IRC/TS, setting up a pickup bot is being involved in a game too much. Hell, I couldn't understand Application at all when he made the Legions Database site. Unless you are absolutely certain that people will appreciate your contribution even if they are complete A-holes then you shouldn't contribute. (I appreciate Rockey's scripts but lets keep that off here).

Don't get into any sort of arguments/ flame wars / insult exchanges. These are universal to all gaming, be it in the elitist end-game or at the 101 newblood zones.

This is sadly true for most of the cases. If someone disses you then enjoy the map hunting them down (I do)- it's a PUB, chill out. If you get good at dissing people back then do so, but don't care about those things. Turn off voice chat/ stop reading chat messages and own something.

And don't leave the community completely. Some places are worth being at. I'm getting my gaming PC fixed only in May, and after that I'm graduating and moving to the UK... this can mean that I'm done with gaming for a couple of years, but as long as I know the gamestate I'll still stick around the forums in here. You might not notice it, but the community in L:O is WAY better than at other games. Just take a minute and peace out.

[EDIT: if the pic is inappropriate, please don't delete the whole post >.<]

[EDIT 2: Fire, add me on facebook or MSN. Don't want to lose you babez :D]
Seriously people, if you don't know what the hell you're talking about, then don't post in this thread. Don't base everything on the OP and don't think it summarizes the whole story.


Warrior of Linux
Seriously people, if you don't know what the hell you're talking about, then don't post in this thread. Don't base everything on the OP and don't think it summarizes the whole story.

I believe this is my thread. And they are allowed to post whatever they want, so who the hell are you to say that they can't?
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