Biggest Chainwhore of all time?

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Old man
Hard to tell nowdays since once you get at the enemy base there are 5 people waiting for you cg erect and pointing straight at you from 8 different angles.


Private Tester
*lady friend*: A venal or unscrupulous person

Scrupulous: Synonomous with conscientious

Conscientious: Meticulous, careful

Meticulous: Marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details

To use the CG you need to take excessive care in the minute details of a players movement. Since a *lady friend* is unscrupulous, thus, unconscientious, thus not meticulous, a *lady friend* is someone who does not take care in treating these movement details. Therefore, a CG *lady friend* cannot be someone that hits their target.

A CG *lady friend* is someone who just spams CG and hopes for the odd hit.



Private Tester
Wow... yeah, how did this slip through the cracks? Pretty rampant post-inflation going on here.

Well, we can fix that.
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