Available/Away status


I wanted to know if, sometime in the future, an indicator would let us know if a player is currently playing or idle in game. I remember on IA there would be something that said "Playing" in green letters and another thing that said "Away" in yellow letters. Maybe something like that could be implememted because I don't want to pass the flag to someone who is in game but not currently playing and then end up losing the flag to the other team.


Bumping this one

Wanna know if auto-kick for afk players is possible or not. I still think this is something needed because in a 16/16 server, there are most of the time at least 2-3 idlers who take the spots, while others wait outside for someone else to leave. As application-1 said, I'd like to see any player idle for at-least 2-3 mins, kicked out of the server with a message saying that they were idle . This will help open up a few spots so that players who want to play can get in.