Anyone care to make Auz/Nz servers

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I've been playing Legions for over a week or 2 now,looking at some of the servers they run on 0 most of the time esp hot-swap 2 and some others,a fair request to the admin's to get a server running in Auz/N.z if possible?..It's a tough question to ask looking at the funds and such,but if this servers a running empty why not close them and make new ones so more players could play. Hot-swaps give me nearly 250-300 ping.None of the server give me a low of 50-100 ping.Making my own games sucks too since majority players are U.S,U.K based.But it would be fun if servers in Auz/N.z were opened to create a bigger fan base? or maybe people playing Legions near Pacific country's could play with a decent ping.Just a suggestion.
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