Any chance of cheese being a part of Legions Lore?

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I would be ecstatic to include a segment, or a chapter, on cheese and the method in which it intertwines with the powerful drama of Legions Lore.

Think about it.

One full segment in which ammunition, weapons, and broader conflict are intimately tied to the production and consumption of cheese.

If Daphinicus finds this to be an interesting proposition, I'd be happy to collaborate in the near future about it.



Private Tester


Private Tester
You see, the jets are actually powered by constipation from cheese. They get all backed up and crap out a cap route.


I remem you talking in game about this. Right now im more worried about how lore is gonna be put in place. I mean, will it just be a series of stories? lists of facts? In depth story mode?


Private Tester
I remem you talking in game about this. Right now im more worried about how lore is gonna be put in place. I mean, will it just be a series of stories? lists of facts? In depth story mode?

Series of stories, timelines, historical overviews, that sort of thing. A single-player story mode or campaign mode ain't happening; we just don't have the manpower to do something like that. But the lore is informing the flavor of future maps, assets, and the like.

Y'all should know, though, that I've got more on my plate than just lore. Mapmaking, trying to put the pieces together for a desperately-needed Legions manual... much to do, and never enough time to do it. Since lore ain't game-critical, it takes a backseat to other things.


Good idea, Alex.

And Lin, how astute of you to remember that!

Daphinicus, I wholly understand you, and I'm sorry that that is the case, but hopefully once Legions picks up a broader development community, greatly increased player popularity, and eventually (hopefully) advertising support, it will launch into a full-fledged game; not just a beta, and at that point hopefully a group of writers can create the awesome and epic tales behind the Legions universe.

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