An In-Depth Analysis on Positions


New Member
Usually during a game, the cappers will tell the Light Offense to sweep the flag for them. While I do agree that clearing the base using overdrive is effective, I don't agree that there should be a position specifically for that purpose. It sounds to me like one of the options of a standard Light Offense.

ATTACKER: usually an outrider, clears the way for the capper as he approches the enemy base.......(they already have one)..... ;)


This should be made a sticky, in regards to what is a PuG. People need to know what the positions are and what to do, because when I'm asked to captain, I always have somebody on my team saying: what does ____ do?


Well Riptack there are only about 5 people in this whole community who know how to play LO correctly.
This is why basic, elementary positions should be explained in detail not those positions that become popular due to updates or unbalancing.


Old man
Anyone of you, who ever wants to be any better at this game, should read that guide and practise each of the positions to the point where you don't need to think what you need to do in different situations. Good read.