Actual PCGamer Best games ever thread thing...


Elite Pro Mapmaker
So I hate the list... 1, my favorite game, and argueably(sp?) one of the best RTS' ever, Total Annihilation, was not on it. (I glanced through this though.) Beats Starcraft any day. Period. 2, Most games I have actually tried, and not liked them. Yes games like Half-Life, and CS, I care nothing for. I can give them the respect they deserve, but this list is just way %$&#ed up. (LOLOL at #1, reeeeeeeeeeally!?)

The real reason I posted this? Its a short/small entry, but im glad #23 is that high up...



Funniest part.

#23 Tribes
Last Year: New Entry

A game from the late 90's is a new entry but lands at 23. This shows me that these guys have no idea what is going on.


Its a weird list, i'll admit. If i remember how they make it correctly, they get their editors and some select industry folks to send in their own top 100 list and rank the games based on how many/where they show up. I thought they used to combine some franchises into single entries, but they appear to have ended that practice. Anyway, I suspect who they poll has a huge impact on the list (ie, deus ex is an older game, I can't imagine anyone playing it now would give it much credit, but at the time it was amazing. Younger readers/journalists will not give it the same weight as some nostalgic old farts apparently do). I remember Total Annihilation being on previous iterations of the list (well placed, too) and agree that its absence is conspicuous (even if I prefer mah Starcraft). The original Descent used to make the list, and I'm glad Freespace 2 and TIE Fighter still hold rank. Thankfully most of the stuff I wouldn't even consider ended up near (or at) the bottom. Newer, shinier games tend to make a better showing as well, but I guess thats to be expected. Gonna have to go dig up last years list now...


Probably because it's a PC list. Your examples are from consoles and arcades.
Ahh yes didn't realize it was PCGamer's list. Sorry! =D

So I hate the list... 1, my favorite game, and argueably(sp?) one of the best RTS' ever, Total Annihilation, was not on it. (I glanced through this though.) Beats Starcraft any day. Period. 2, Most games I have actually tried, and not liked them. Yes games like Half-Life, and CS, I care nothing for. I can give them the respect they deserve, but this list is just way %$&#ed up. (LOLOL at #1, reeeeeeeeeeally!?)
Counter-Strike probably ended up high because it was a successful E-Sport game like StarCraft, Quake, etc. And yes Total Annihilation should have been in that list. As for Half-Life, I didn't like it too, it was too boring.
This list is one of the worst I have ever seen. Age of empires II for example is on the 26th place, with a new entry?

Also I have the feeling that the guys who made this list are die hard valve fans. Team fortress on place 4? Half-Life 2: Episode 2 on place 20?


Warrior of Linux
List was complete and utter crap. You have games that look shiny and are probably nice to look at, but gameplay wise, "chocolate cookies".

Tribes should not be a new entry, and should certainly be placed higher!

And what happened to FF7? That game was loved by so many people and it fails to get on the list.

Quake, down in 40s somewhere? Lolwut? Quake is certainly better than cs!


Ye that list is completely incorrect bullshit

I've played Dues Ex quite a bit and I didn't think it was anything special at all, Oblivion is a pile of crap and almost everyone knows morrowind is better

I actually got bored half way through half life 2 and stopped playing, I wouldnt have rated it higher than half life 1 but I wouldnt have rated either of them #5 out of all games in the world


The big time game magazines are working for the elite. It's in their best interests to give the popular high budget games a good review or a front cover or spread page so that they will be given funding and be allowed to continue to print magazines. The consumer will buy a games magazine, read the reviews in it and most of the time buy the games that get a good review, and the game companies get lots of money. It's all a big circle of business, except you aren't getting paid. The video-game industry is just as corrupt as with film. They create games with big explosions, big guns, big tits, flashy graphics so that you will buy them. They cater towards our lowest instinctual drives. Gameplay and true video-game art is left to the wayside because people these days just want to blow the *chocolate cookies* out of each other rather than play a real game. Not everyone is like this, but the mass horde of morons that make up society are the ones that allow the crap to keep coming out.

You just wrote the same I was about to declare, you should never ever take "Big time game magazines" seriously. Anyone remember that one journalist who rated Kane & Lynch 6/10 ? He got fired because of that.

The list itself contained some games that are good but it's pretty obvious that it's been corrupted by greedy gaming companies (still, Baldur's Gate II should have been rated much higher while Diablo 2 shoulda been on Top 30 instead of 7th place... and Fallout 3 is BETTER than old Fallout games? *DANCE* NO!). Seeing WoW as number 2 really made me cry and lose hope in future of video games (then again, WoW itself IS a huge pile of Number Two if you know what I mean).
You just wrote the same I was about to declare, you should never ever take "Big time game magazines" seriously. Anyone remember that one journalist who rated Kane & Lynch 6/10 ? He got fired because of that.

The list itself contained some games that are good but it's pretty obvious that it's been corrupted by greedy gaming companies (still, Baldur's Gate II should have been rated much higher while Diablo 2 shoulda been on Top 30 instead of 7th place... and Fallout 3 is BETTER than old Fallout games? *DANCE* NO!). Seeing WoW as number 2 really made me cry and lose hope in future of video games (then again, WoW itself IS a huge pile of Number Two if you know what I mean).
The reason why lists like this just suck, is because everyone has another list. I, for example, think diablo 2 deserves that 7th place, while you think it doesn't.


Diablo 2 deserves it, even though I HATE Blizzard, WoW shouldn't even exist, Oblivion is waaaay overrated, but it deserves like top 30, Portal is SO FRIGGING LAME and should be replaced by minecraft in that position, Counter Strike shouldn't be on the list- its place should be taken up by Quake 3 Arena, AoE2 should be in top 10... Why is Tribes there instead of Legions? :D Also, wheres CoD4 or 5? At least ProMod should be appreciated...

I refrained from commenting on any games that I do not know... (think: deus ex)


The reason why lists like this just suck, is because everyone has another list. I, for example, think diablo 2 deserves that 7th place, while you think it doesn't.

I was trying to point out that lists made by gaming magazine journalists tend to stare blindly at sales numbers instead of actually playing the games and basing their opinions on that (although Anachronox was rated surprisingly high given it's low sales).. so if you want to see a review by someone who isn't bribed by major gaming houses, steer clear from gaming magazines.


Starcraft is on there, that makes me happy, L4D2 should def be higher, CSS is the greatest multilayer fps of all time period (60 my ass, its way better than quake), I'm not even going to comment on the rest, It fails.

Note, sc2 being number 9 is fair, and I agree with their TF2 decision, love that game