a few weapon suggestions


I was thinking this morning about a few cool weapons i would like to be in Legions
First i would like to suggest a Remote Rocket:
- It will travel about as fast as a normal rocket
- It will have a sort of fuel bar much like your health when u overdrive
- I think it shouldn't that much splash damage and a little less powerful than a normal rocket
Next is a Cluster or Burst Rocket:
- This will be a little slower than the original rocket and capable of being shot down
- It will lock on to an enemy (or 2 :p) and then the rocket can be detonated and will release about 10 mini rockets (that wont be more powerful than the bolt) that will follow the enemy
- these rockets can be dodged, bated(with a frag or some sort of flare) or it may just run out of fuel and stop chasing the player
Well these are my suggestions. I hope u like it and if not give me some feedback. HAVE A NICE DAY :)

And also I would like to see a sort of machine gun with explosive rounds :)