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  1. X

    Legions Cap-off Contest

    OK guys, so me and poiuyt were playing around last night and I had a great idea based off of what we were doing. We were taking turns on an empty serv where one player was capping, while the other defended the flag. There were 3 tries per person and then we switched sides. So the winner was...
  2. X

    AFK in PUG chat

    Sorry about tonight, I left my TS3 open all day and i was sitting in the PUG room... i read the chat after and it seemed like I caused some confusion -_-. My bad guys, if it's cool with you all I'd still like to keep playing pugs, i just got busy tonight.
  3. X

    CTF Point system

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I've looked hard and can't seem to find the answer on the forums. How many points are given (and for what) in the game?